hey i can't get on because something is wrong with my live... If you still want to do it i will be home tomorrow night as well
Alright that's awesome... Its weird because usually when I get help from people they have more posts than I do but posts don't really show how good of a Forger you are...
sure... Do you know the new method? I can merge double boxes pretty nicely but its everything else I suck at...
Yes tonight. Look up Code Impulse on youtube and than go to the vids added today. I added a video allready and AI am editing pics right now so they will look nice in my post. Tell me what you think of the vid! I believe youre in it.
Nooo noo noo, i havent posted this map yet cuz there is one thing I need to fix with it.... I just thought I'd show it to you because it sounds a lot like what you are trying to make.
Hey HomieG54, your map sound a lot like this map I have made, just haven't bothered posting, send me a friend request on XBL and I'll show you it! GT: Apples R Us Thx!