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Dec 28, 2010 at 1:49 PM
Aug 17, 2009
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Ancient, from in a box

Senior Member
lemonlime was last seen:
Dec 28, 2010
    1. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      NO! It WASN'T Roosterteeth who stole Toilet's secret spot! It was IGN!!!! THOSE ****ERS
    2. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      Japanese **** Zombies???

      YouTube - Yakuza Of The End - Tokyo Game Show 2010 Trailer
    3. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      Yo ninja! These peoples be stuntin in New Vegas driving a .949826589 Ya I got a life!

      YouTube - Fallout New Vegas The Story Developer Diary [HD]
    4. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      Don't do Campaign without me please, well you CAN do the spaceship mission but nothing else k?
    5. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      **** RoosterTeeth has a bunch of achievement videos! If we need help we can watch them.
    6. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      Last day before Reach, I feel like throwing up from excitement, I hope you get unbanned soon. :D
      Plan of attack for Reach, I get back from school at 4 which will be 6 O clock for you, you probably have to go eat so I get the firefight achievements at that time, then when you get back on we'll do campaign, MAYBE with Toilet Tundra because he wants to do it, I'll stay on for 2 hours, go eat dinner and be on for another 3 hours, but you'll probably get off in an hour of me finishing eating. Repeat until weekend, we will OWN Reach.
    7. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      BTW you're lucky I didn't put Boohalo's trip to China on retsupurae, here are 2 shitty camcorder to TV vids, one of the reasons I wanted to make retsupurae with Diabeetus.

      YouTube - Warning: Serious Eye Damage Hazard

      YouTube - Fireboy116 Tests his webcam
    8. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      Bungie has done it, Reach will be amazing

      YouTube - Halo: Reach - Crazy Map Variants Preview
    9. Orange
      ****ing boohalo
    10. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      LOL Some dumbass 14 year old threatened you, I think he takes MW2 a little too serious. But anyways, no one is going to watch that, since it has like no views, and no one will believe me if they see my other vids so chill
    11. Hogframe
      This is your post:

      "Holy mother ****er you suck y would you suck infinity wards **** I will rape myself nao"

      Lemons, I don't know if you've noticed, but this isn't B-net. Here on Forgehub, intelligence is key to survival. If you keep acting like a complete ****tard, we will have no choice other than to Ban you. You've already received an infraction but that hasn't really stopped you...Oh well, you're only two away from a permanent Ban. Read the rules, and keep it clean.

      Feel free to reply, but any Flaming will be reported.

      You have been warned,
    12. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      OMFG EASY ACHIEVEMENTS!!!!!! Bungie failed again!!!!!

      YouTube - Halo: Reach Achievement Farming

      I am going to OWN this game =D
    13. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      You're on Youtube???

      Boohalo's on Youtube???
    14. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      I found a good laptop for you got to the link

    15. LOL Master
      LOL Master
    16. LOL Master
    17. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      No Sorry, I'm up to date in videogames and Youtube, not computers
    18. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      Ok so you know that one realistic war game Insurgency i was talking about on steam, to play it you need a game with the source engine, a new Valve game, I have Team Fortress 2 ($20) Counter Strike ($20) Portal ($20) and Gmod ($10) which I don't think counts. You COULD also get the Orange Box that has Half Life 2, Episode 1 and 2, Portal, and TF2 for $30! Also when you get Gmod you COULD get it with Counter Strike or Day of Defeat in a special bundle each for $20. Just make sure you get Gmod
    19. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      Hey lets talk over Forgehub k
    20. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      Just..... Pathetic....

      YouTube - Zombie Apocalypse: Paparazzi
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    in a box
    Hanging out with my friends playin xbox