Dec 2, 2007
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Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf

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In Loving Memory, from Los Angeles

Senior Member
    1. Ufochaser42
      Hey Sgt, I haven't been around in a while (being a senile old man makes you forget things) but i needed to ask a favor. Who can i contact to help me add a map forum thumbnail image to a map that i already posted? I tried editing the post, but all i could edit was the body of the post. Please help.
    2. Dthen
      I didn't seek you out in the shoutbox to insult your intelligence, I didn't attempt to misrepresent the situation, nor did I find it very clear. Misinterpret, maybe, but not misrepresent.
      I still don't understand what I have been banned for, you state that I have been banned for "using your name" and that I have been told not to do so before.
      I'm afraid I do not recall you saying as such, nor do I know what you mean by using your name.
      Furthermore, I didn't even notice the VM because I was typing up the thread in Customer Support, I apologise for missing it.

      I believe that as a moderator, you do have an obligation to explain, but I could be wrong.
    3. Dthen
      I'm sorry, but I think I was being fairly civil and I also believe it's your job as a moderator to explain why I was banned from the shoutbox & at least tell me the duration of the ban.
    4. Dthen
      Sarge, what's your excuse for not responding this time?
      Even if I wasn't me, which I am, I still think you should explain.
    5. Dthen
      Okay, if you don't believe that I am indeed me, then would you at least humour me for a moment?

      What do you mean by using your name?
      Why do you seem to think I'm Mattloaf?
      Where have you said I can't "use your name" before?
      How long am I (wrongfully) banned for?
    6. Dthen
      What do you mean by "using your name"?

      And I am for the last time not getting a friend to use my account. I can talk to you on Xbox LIVE if that proves anything?
    7. Dthen
    8. B3NW
      Typography is art.
    9. Lance001
      I'm surprised by the lack of submissions so far as well, but it's going to EXPLODE soon. =D

      Sounds legit for film school, man...especially the word MINISERIES. I'm sure you'll be amazing, though...go, fight, win!
    10. Lance001
      I'd love to be staff in some way again. Life's finally calming down a bit for me, and I'm finally getting some time in with gaming (specifically Reach). I've been scouring the forums looking for new folks to encourage...there are some great map ideas already floating around out there!

      Also, marriage is awesome. I married my best friend of 18's incredible!

      So film school sounds intensely amazing. What are the steps to make it in? I'm rootin' for you! Woot!
    11. Lance001
      Also, I'm glad you're still a moderator. I miss the good ol' days of moderatin'. =)
    12. Lance001
      What the TRUE STORY!!! I'm back indeed. =) And I'm glad you're still here! I don't see too many familiar faces, and a journalist already told me off for reprimanding some guy being a jerk. But that's OK, because FORGE WORLD IS GLORIOUS. =D

      How are things with you?!
    13. Grif
    14. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Two options, copy pasta the code to every page, or create a overheader.html file. There should be a tut somewhere that shows how to link this overall header. I've never used it before.
    15. CombatGam3r

      Would this and my 3 lines of text be okay for a sig? Or should I lose the text, I can't seem to find the width/height of this image.
    16. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Like at the top oif a page?
    17. Linubidix
      Nice. Well, Imma go make a pizza, back soon.
    18. Linubidix
      That sounds great, good luck with getting it published.
      What kind of site?
    19. Linubidix
      nah, it's fine. I went to sleep shortly after.

      havent been doing a whole lot since last time, passed my first assignment. Other than that, nothing at all, really. You?
    20. RightSideTheory
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    Los Angeles
    Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf
    Watching tons of movies, writing, listening to R&B/Motown/Classic Rock


    The Lulz List​

    12:01 am PacMonster1: Thought this was going to be one of those never ending conversations where you act all haughty and ****