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Jan 18, 2012 at 7:07 PM
May 2, 2008
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Ancient, from It's over 9,000 miles away!

Senior Member
redearth was last seen:
Jan 18, 2012
    1. Taco Bell
      Taco Bell
      hey, i got someone to render my video already but thanks for the help. if you wanna check it out its here YouTube - Halo Reach: Oddball on Zealot HD (12 Multikills, 4 Sprees)
    2. Taco Bell
      Taco Bell
      yea thatd be sweet. thanks
    3. Urban Myth
      Urban Myth
      Yes, I give you full permission as long as no one else is claimed as the creator.
    4. Ozarka
      Thing** XD
    5. Ozarka
      Wow thanks for all the info man. Everything sounds good, except the price. The 1080p would be fantastic but the only thong holding me back is the price haha. Just not sure if it's qualitys worth the price. Also, the last part you said, it doesn't come with editing software? So how much extra would that be?
    6. Ozarka
      Hey redearth, I'm thinking about doing some capping and was wondering what kind of cap card you used for the vid you made me. How's it been working for you so far? Would you recommend it
    7. SargeantSarcasm
    8. cory21
      Are you ever going to do that 'Weekly machinima' thing you posted about? I thought that was pretty cool. I'll help you if you need it.
    9. xMLGx InStINcTx
      xMLGx InStINcTx
      ok didnt know r u lik a administrator here lik staff?
    10. xMLGx InStINcTx
      xMLGx InStINcTx
      yo how is cool in lots of letters spam
    11. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Yo Red.
      I hear that you want to start your own machinima up. If you want, you could join my group Sour Grunt Productions to better get your machinima running I'm sure that you can get the help you needed

      Love to hear back from you.
    12. Cryptokid
      Meh, soz, last time I did something similar I asked shock and he didn't seem to mind.
    13. Cryptokid
      I reported one of your recent posts to give the mods a heads up that u want ur thread locked :)
    14. Mr. Skittles
      Mr. Skittles
      Go for it, bro.
    15. Mr. Skittles
      Mr. Skittles
      Lol, nice posting our controlled areas.

      Hopefully we get more players, I really want this to be a full out thing.
    16. Mr. Skittles
      Mr. Skittles
      Yeah, IRCCT is a public governmental board that displays its actions. If not, there would be no way to plot out ONDUL's plans, since they play off of IRCCT's, and etc. etc.
    17. Mr. Skittles
      Mr. Skittles
      Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Oman, Sudan, Western India (India is two countries now), the C.A.F. countries, Southern China (China is three countries now), Turkey, Ghana, Algeria, South Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eastern Russia (half of the asian Russia), Spain, Portugal, Greenland, Ethiopia, and both Koreas.
    18. Noirtatsu
      hey dude i was just wondering if ud check out my map and be the first to write a review on it ive seen ur posts and the seem fair and honest i just wanted some clear feedback here's my map Destruction - Forge Hub Map Database
    19. Silent oo death
      Silent oo death
      lol, i've been thinking you were re-dearth untill someone said today red earth. I was like ZOMFG
    20. AceOfSpades
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    It's over 9,000 miles away!
    Doctor G33K


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