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Mar 22, 2012 at 11:38 AM
Sep 20, 2010
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MrCheesy was last seen:
Mar 22, 2012
    1. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo
      Alright, you'll be getting a nicely packaged PM soon explaining everything.
    2. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo
      I must certainly did, and I'm behind by three in my feedbacks, meaning you can either wait a couple days and get something super-professional, or I can get my map log, and copy over my likes and dislikes into a pm for ya.
    3. Psychoduck
      No, you'll need to send me a link to your map in the TG. I can't sift through all the pages looking for it. If you send me the link soon I can have it tested later today.
    4. iTz Longshot
      iTz Longshot
      I feel really bad now reading the comment Psycho left you, but i edited my post, and i can't test/feedback till tomorrow (March 4th) but I also have a question. Is a 3v3 ok as well encase lack of players?
    5. Psychoduck
      I'm sorry that your Boulevard map has not been tested. Its extremely difficult to keep up with the insane number of maps posted to the TG. In my own defense, I was not part of the TG when you posted your map a month ago. Please repost your map in the guild, and I will make sure to have it tested for you ASAP. I hope you haven't lost faith in the TG, and I look forward to playing your map.
    6. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      Also, I'd recommend avoiding coloured text as it can clash on some skins and make reading difficult for some users - so they might end up skipping over your thread instead. Not a big deal, but something to consider / a little tip.
    7. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      Hey - I fixed your thumbnail issue in your thread here. You don't need to enter the IMG bbcode to get it to show up is all. Good luck with your map, and enjoy the site!
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