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Jun 12, 2023 at 7:17 PM
May 1, 2008
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Ancient, Male, from London, UK

Senior Member
Pegasi was last seen:
Jun 12, 2023
    1. SargeantSarcasm
      I have saved games where I go like 15-0, but support sniping isn't really montage material. I don't get many multikills but I get a ton of teammate-saving headshots.
    2. SargeantSarcasm
      I've found that I get headshots what seems to be 90% of the time in my good games. In others, I pretty much get one kill and then I'm dead. lol

      As for noscoping, I never really did it in Halo 3, but in this if they're midrange I treat it like a DMR (in terms of aiming) which hasn't been going particularly well for me. When they're really close I tend to miss a headshot, get a body shot, then get pummeled before I can figure out where they are.
    3. SargeantSarcasm
      I'm getting good at snipes again... not quite as good as I was, as I still have my off-games, but for the most part I'm awesome. Still can't noscope well though.
    4. Ladnil
      You and me both my friend. Sprint and jetpack as loadouts, maybe holo as an option, 110 speed, 75 melee, and most of the guns included would make me way happy.
    5. Ladnil
      Yeah, everyone with holograms would be crazy, and everyone with jetpacks would be crazy, but is it overpowered? What team could go 4 holograms or 4 jetpacks consistently and win? Both strategies would get dominated by 4 sprints on most maps.
    6. Ladnil
      Do you happen to know why the magnum secondary wasn't included? I know it's way less dominant in close range than it was in the beta, but it still seems like a good idea to have.
    7. Ladnil
      Yeah I know. And I never did like AAs on the map either.

      These were rushed and v2 might look different, but I really don't see anything getting added that's not already in. We're now playing Halo 3 but with AAs on the maps.
    8. Insane54
    9. Shock Theta
    10. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      Most likely, will discuss with the crew.

      Incidentally, what custom title d'you want? Yours may have been lost when the ranks were updated.
    11. Insane54

    12. Linubidix
      I like your hat
    13. rusty eagle
    14. Transhuman Plus
      Transhuman Plus
      I replied to your responses because it's what people do, unless they KEEP ****ING ASKING YOU NOT TO.

      If you genuinely think that the post was out of line, report it, I beseech you. Until then, stop wasting my time so you can feel good about yourself.
    15. Transhuman Plus
      Transhuman Plus
      Called me on it? I still think you have no idea what sanctimonious means. That's just sad.

      This makes 4 times I've asked you to stop talking, but you won't, because you have to "1up" me. I have no problem admitting I don't care about people's feelings if they are going to do stupid things, but you'll never admit what a stubborn child you are.
    16. Transhuman Plus
      Transhuman Plus
      As I said, sanctimonious. Talking to me, telling me how disappointed you are, that's makes you happy. I'm not ****ing happy. You are boring me. Unless you have something interesting to say, stop speaking. I don't want to feed into your mastabatory moral elitism.
    17. Transhuman Plus
      Transhuman Plus
      "Thanks for making my point for me." What point was that, that I just need someone to love?

      The real question is why do you care so much. Too much oestrogen? Haven't "hit that" in a while? Or maybe you just like being sanctimonious hypocrite. Either way I'm already bored, go heckle someone else.
    18. Transhuman Plus
      Transhuman Plus
      Next time you address me, insect, it better be after I address you first.

      Right now excluded, of course. If we don't have civility, what will ever become of our relationship?
    19. Transhuman Plus
      Transhuman Plus
      He needs to learn he's no goddamn Romeo, and this isn't a therapy group for jaded losers who like heckling girls.

      I'm Mr.-****ing-ethics. YOU would let someone down easy to spare their feelings. If he asked to be placated I would have done that, told him he was "the little train who could". But seeing as how he asked for advice and all, I decided to tell the truth.
    20. SargeantSarcasm
      Preventative measures for the foreseeable future. I'm not going to sit and go through the various infractions for spam sometime down the line when I can cut what's clearly not going to be anything but "OH MY GOD JUSTIN BIEBER SUCKS BLAH BLAH BLAH"

      There was absolutely no merit to that thread, it simply exists for the purpose of degrading a particular individual for sport. Sure said person isn't a part of the community, but a thread made solely for that reason is retarded and is spam no matter how you choose to defend it.

      Frankly it just seems you got offended over a blanket statement, if that's the case then I'm sorry, if it isn't then I really don't care.
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