Hey I was just checking out your page (I was wondering what green names were) and saw your website. Just signed up and I know you didn't directly refer me but I put you down anyways.
Hey thanks so much for the help. Here is a link to the sites alpha Free forum : Noble 6 Forging - Portal I have a banner I made up now but that is really just the layout.
dude i'm trying to get away from forums and i cant feel comfortablke there i just like making sigs once in a while and the ocasinal post. oh and check this out lol http://www.forgehub.com/forum/general-chat/99207-me-rob-dyrdeks-fantasy-factory.html#post1186226
www.ForgeBattle.com Check it out. Sign up and post your maps. Get recognized for your true forging potential.
Oh my God. Thank you thank you thank you. I'm so glad imSuk is back. That video brought so much nostalgia back, and memoirs of HH. I love you guys.