Mysterious D
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Dec 16, 2015 at 6:15 PM
Jan 13, 2008
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Sep 27, 1993 (Age: 31)

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Mysterious D


Senior Member
Mysterious D was last seen:
Dec 16, 2015
    1. Bottlecap
    2. Tex
    3. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      Posted here for those who want to see my response, as Brute Captain refuses to have anything that "makes him look bad" on his public messages. Lul.

      "But, Iwon't argue this with you again. Yellow out."


      You seriously think that by you suddenly claiming to be laughing at this you're immediately excluded from your silly arguments? I've been proving everything you've said thus far and you laugh?

      I'm the one giggling, Brute.
    4. Tex
      Lawl upon Lawl. Twas a good read. Not going to say anything except, I had a good laugh at the below.
    5. Bottlecap
      Lol Dom. I found your thread hilarious. I find you hilarious. I find the level of seriousness you take in an argument that proves nothing and is worht nothing. Most people only know of me from my maps. So.... what are you saying? Lol, don't try to continue this further, you'll recieve nothing.
    6. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      Posted here for those who want to see my response, as Brute Captain refuses to have anything that "makes him look bad" on his public messages. Lul.

      Domi Boy: 3

      Brute Captain: 0

      Try to make amends my pointing out how pointless this argument is is a nice gesture, but it doesn't work if you're going to insult me by calling me "dum" beforehand. So far you've shown me nothing close to intelligence in your arguments except for your extreme displeasure with me which is just as hilarious as the arguments themselves.

      No, The Hub Pub isn't about laughing at normal users behind their backs. That would also be unnecessary seeing as how most users there already know enough about you to know you'd argue a point such as this.

      ~ Dom Boy out.
    7. Bottlecap
      Lol Dum, I mean Dom, whatever. I think we should just settle on what common ground we share. I don't neccessarily agree with your forge knowledge. But, I do like your maps. I do like forge. You like forge. I can see this is going nowhere. Right now, I'm going to leave this be. Feel free to take this comment and do what you will with it. Go post it in the Hub Pub and laugh at me. Or take it to heart. I don't care. Now I'm going to continue making my map. I'm going to post in on here. Then, I'll continue on. But, Iwon't argue this with you again. Yellow out.
    8. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      Posted here for those who want to see my response, as Brute Captain refuses to have anything that "makes him look bad" on his public messages. Lul.

      Biased towards myself and my opinions, not biased against my feelings toward other users.

      One word = Two meanings, bub. :D

      "Please note that I do not have any biased opinions about any maps listed below nor their creators, they are merely used for example purposes."
    9. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      Posted here for those who want to see my response, as Brute Captain refuses to have anything that "makes him look bad" on his public messages. Lul.

      Recieved Reputation.
      Bayonetwork; from The Yellow:
      "I swaer, I dont mean to, but Dom is trying to make me look bad now, i dont know what to do."

      Don't care, huh?

      And for another thing, quoted from the Guide itself:

      "Please note that I do not have any biased opinions about any maps listed below nor their creators, they are merely used for example purposes."

      I pointed out what in my opinion were flaws about the map, where did I try to discredit your reputation in the slightest? And where did I get "slapped by one of the greatest forgers ever", all I did was allow Mallet to express his opinion instead of asking someone to remove it and upholding my own rep, like some people I know do. ; )

      "One more thing, I didn't even put them there! That was one of the things SK De5troy999 didi! HA!"

      Why should it matter who placed them there, it's both your map and I expressed my dislike toward said boxes, rofl. >__>
    10. Bottlecap
      Wai wia wait. Just a second ago you said that yes it WAS biased. But in your thread it says otherwise. Care to explain?
    11. Bottlecap
      Lol, reputation? It is online. What people think of you has little bearing or affect on anything, if at all. Don't worry about you "reputation". As for the rep, yeah, it was true. In your thread you attempted to do so, but instead got slapped by one of the greatest forgers ever. And those double boxes would not have worked in any other location. One more thing, I didn't even put them there! That was one of the things SK De5troy999 didi! HA!
    12. Mysterious D
      Mysterious D
      Posted here for those who want to see my response, as Brute Captain refuses to have anything that "makes him look bad" on his public messages. Lul.

      "I didn't even know that Dom's forge thread existed. Then someone pointed it out to me. Thanks so much for putting his unintelligent comments into their place. Thank you. That was absurd what he said about it being unnessecary."

      Unintelligent comments, eh? Apparently you've never heard the the meaning of "In my opinion", and disregarded actually reading the guide itself other to ignore the positive comments about the guide and jump straight to agreeing with Mallet's opinion. In my opinion your merging was unnecessary and those double boxes you used for aesthetics could have been used to improve gameplay, such as using them to replace a few of your other aesthetic pieces that do affect game play. In Mallets opinion, using maps to example "Bad Interlocking" (in my opinion) was unjust and a bit hypocritical to my aesthetics portion of the guide, and I have no little to discredit him seeing as the guide is entire my opinion and it would be entire hypocritical of me (once again, in my opinion) to say "you're wrong" for expressing his opinion.

      Unintelligent? No.
      Biased? Yes.

      I also find it funny that you have to keep provoking me in hopes of discrediting my reputation, Chips told me about the rep you returned to him, lol. "I don't know what to do, he keeps trying to make me look bad!". Honestly, I lol'd for a good minute.
    13. Bottlecap
      No I just found it funny. See, you thought you'd make everyone agree with you. Instead, people such as Mallet told you off and how my map did not contain the flaws you listed. Lol, I won that argument without even knowing of it.
    14. Bottlecap
      I just now saw your forge "suggestion" thread. I loled:lol: at the comments made about Jedwali. Then I super loled:lol::lol: at how everyone pounced on you. Now I know what all this sillyness was about. I forgive you Domi.
    15. Epic Tusk
      Epic Tusk

    16. Y35 <3
      Y35 <3
      just stopping by to make you feel special becuase it says i visited yew page nao,
    17. xRip U Up247x
      xRip U Up247x
      Your interested in my *****? Wow that's how I know your a loyal at FH.
    18. Nemihara
      I think you're winning.
    19. Nemihara
      Dom for STFU '08
    20. Iv0rY Snak3
      Iv0rY Snak3
      hard not to enjoy it...

      and this profile needs more tan
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  • About

    Sep 27, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Dom says Oi
    Pale, toned, lucious locks.

    Guitar, Football, Drawing.

