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Dec 28, 2010 at 1:49 PM
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Ancient, from in a box

Senior Member
lemonlime was last seen:
Dec 28, 2010
    1. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      Here's the Dead Rising 2 Story, if I didn't explain it well.

      YouTube - Dead Rising 2 Tales of Terror Developer Diary [HD]
    2. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      Dead Rising 2 Co-op!!!! And some competitive gameplay! But Co-op, YAY!

      YouTube - Dead Rising 2 Bring Your Friend Developer Diary [HD]

      And a vid for the combo weapons. Watch to the end for the best weapons including the chainsaw bike :D

      YouTube - Dead Rising 2 Tools of Destruction Developer Diary [HD]
    3. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      What teh eff is this gun? Obviously not a gun used in Vietnam... Thanks **** of Doobies Black Cocks, way to mess up history. The WORST part about this is that little kid fags are going to believe that this **** is real.

      YouTube - Call of Duty: Black Ops Multiplayer Gameplay - Launch Pad
    4. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      Have Fun

      YouTube - Cornshaq baby please
    5. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      Another L4D2 mutation is Only Room For One, where only one person can get in the escape vehicle :D
    6. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      The L4D2 mutation Gib Fest is where you get INFINITE AMMO M60s!!!!
    7. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      Mekaneco's **** video... Attack of the Gays, Mexicans, and High Voices!!! You may not want to watch this...

    8. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      I'll play Iron Man the mutation with you tomorrow, Oh and you know that awesome map in Halo 3, the 6 floor tower in the crypt, well.... Abattoir isn't a fancy name, it means SLAUGHTERHOUSE.
    9. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      **** of Dooby Black Cocks WILL have a zombie mode with all the 4 same maps that were in WaW... Pathetic.... And it might be only downloadable...

      And I found a Fallout New Vegas vid, it soooo cool with the ability to look down your sights and the gameplay is pretty much the same :) And there is a HARDCORE mode where there is a starvation and dehydration factor and if you don't eat or drink you die and ammo counts as weight. Here is the video. =D

    10. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      That wasn't my prediction that was the highest rated comment on Youtube.
    11. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      New Reach Trailer

      YouTube - Halo: Reach ViDoc - A Spartan Will Rise

      The person talking is Jesus
      This is what someone thinks is happening -
      **** i get it now, Dr. Halsey was talking to cortana. When they mean only one will carry there fate they mean johnobviously. Noble -06 isnt given a name for a reason. Cause maybe its john and Noble team ends up sacrificing there lives to protect reach, john survives (Noble- 06) and turns into Master Chief? Halsey and Cortana chose one and Halsey said great minds think alike. Only a theory dont bash me but if you think im kinda right thumbs up thanks HALO REACH GAME OF THEY YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    12. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      The most British person EVER! Oh and everytime he yells TELEPORT$^@! He replays the entire level to the point he dies and pretends he did teleport.


      Oh ya and the British guy actually made up his own bullshit story about time travel :\
    13. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      Here is another great idea!

    14. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      Ok so I found the Wii Fat video, the one with Fistabutts playing the Wii, but it has someone elses commentary over it :P But first here is another video of a hacker!


      And here is Wii Fat


      And here is the greatest video game idea ever with commentary over it :)


      And this is a big fail, with commentary over it!

      FAIL 2
    15. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      OMFG I found a video of Fistabutts watching and bitching about the multiplayer trailer for CoD Black Cocks. Its 11 minutes long and it goes like hella slow. You can tell this guy either lived on the streets his entire life or has serious brain damage by the way he talks. He thinks Black Cocks IS CoD4 and he actually YELLS at the people in the trailer to move! And in one part in the trailer a guy does this dive where it looks like he's jumping and going prone at the same time so Fistabutts thinks that they can now fly across the map and off buildings with it. And he also bitches about an RC car that you drive to a spot then it explodes. And he thinks knives can explode, like WTF is this guys problem. Oh and BTW this entire movie is a REVIEW of a TRAILER. Fistabutts is retarded!

    16. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      Ok I found a video of how one kind of aimbot would work in MW2.

      YouTube - Modern Warfare 2 : Aimbot

      Basically he can get all the locations of the people and everytime he uses his sights or scope, the crosshair goes right onto someone.

      Edit: Also I found this video of someone on Machinima who mods! Like WTF Machinima! So anyways this guy has an FAL Red Tiger with Holographic and Extended Fags and a Spas with Fall camo with foregrip and extended fags. His perks are Scavenger, Hardline, and Ninja. His special grenades are STOPPING POWER and his equipment is a gold deagle. So in this video he talks about how people can have different mods like aimbots, homing intervention bullets, and camo and challenge modding. Then he says that these mods are good! Machinima is ****ed up if they're going to put a modder on it.

    17. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      Cha Cha Yeah!!!!! Its yo boy LOL Mastr in the house!!! Posting on your profile because thats what a like to do, hit dudes right where they chew.

      I hope in Halo Reach the mongoose will be a motorcycle :D Heres a video of a modded mongoose :) I wish this was the truth, with no front tooth!


    18. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      The F1stabutts movie. Some high quality stuff :)

      Oh and here is the reason for the fight :D


      And here is F1stabutts's Video :P

    19. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      Are you seriously banned? And wow, what a great quote.

      Pizza Hut

      Did you know Pizza Hut pizza gives my sister diarrhea. LOL. So anyways I'm watching to CoD: Black Fags multiplayer trailer and here are some things I'm seeing...

      A movable camera that you can plant like a sentry gun and you can see people with it. GAY
      A little remote control car bomb thing at a 3 kill streak. GAY
      A care package at a 4 kill streak. GAYER
      Predator Missile at a 5 kill streak. EVEN GAYER
      A knife gun thing that flings knifes and counts as an actual weapon. VERY GAY
      Assault rifles with no recoil and too much damage. GAY AND A HALF
      The ability to dive. NOT SO GAY
      Semtex with even bigger explosive range. GAYEST
      Bolt action sniper with a fast fire rate so its pretty much an auto sniper. VERY GAY
      And a theatre mode and screenshot and film sharing mode like in Halo 3. NOT SO GAY

      So ya its VERY GAY. If you want to see it here it is. GAY
    20. LOL Master
      LOL Master
      I never noticed this, but Orange and I's avatar look very much alike, i guess........... And you're the loser that is different >:(
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    in a box
    Hanging out with my friends playin xbox