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Jul 24, 2009
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Grif's Bed: Make it King size, baby.

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Ancient, from Grif's Bed: Make it King size, baby.

Senior Member
Tucci was last seen:
Jul 30, 2012
    1. B3NW
      Ohh and skype: iamb3nw

      if you want it private
    2. B3NW
      What's up?
    3. Grif
      I like to remember my past.
    4. Grif
    5. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      Thanks, I guess lol.
    6. Hat
      I usually test with one of my friends in the TG and we both post feedback. I'm trying to get some other TG friends to test with me too.
    7. Hat
      A lot of people do that. I find it easier just to ask everyones opinions of the map at the end. I know pictures help, and i feel that my latest review was my best because of the pictures.
    8. Hat
      I know that my feedback has been lacking some and i'm trying to improve. It's just the stuff i've written is all i can think of. The reason why i posted four feedback is because zombie path is my friends map and sedimentary looked really cool. Also i'm not doing it just for the stars. The rank is cool, but i still plan to do more than one test a week if i have time. How does it make other members look bad?
    9. just defy
      just defy
      opk great. im going to talk to another mod about it becuz RST isnt actually a mod.

      thanks for the help... ive been fighting his for days
    10. just defy
      just defy
      btw that stuff was taken away from me because i "insulted you" so first of all... are you insulted?
    11. just defy
      just defy
      hey tucci... remember when i told you that i was inspired by your current sig? and with that inspiration in mind i made a signature but i told you that I failed on my own sig? ... well they took away my ability to post in offtopic and they took away my signature privilege. they told me it was taken away because i told you that i failed on my own sig. Ive explained how its not insulting you whatso ever. but the guy im trying to convince is being a jerk so im gonna go talk to another "real" mod about it and i was wondering if you could back me up... id really appreciate it.
    12. B3NW
      NO! U!
    13. Mischgasm
      Damn you. I was being lazy. Quit making me look bad :P
    14. SargeantSarcasm
    15. Shanon
      Youz trollin.
    16. Shanon
      It annoys me when people refer to me as sexy
    17. SargeantSarcasm
    18. SargeantSarcasm
      80% of internet users (or some ridiculous figure like that) use IE...so stupid.
    19. SargeantSarcasm
      Yeah firefox eats up the processor, I need to turn it off once every 5 or so times I run it (which I use it all day), but the benefits outweigh the negatives methinks.
    20. SargeantSarcasm