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Sep 19, 2011 at 11:08 PM
Aug 11, 2008
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Ancient, from Canada

Senior Member
Devil95 was last seen:
Sep 19, 2011
    1. SargeantSarcasm
      rofl. freedom in one area does not mean free speech in another.

      how about this, I waive the rule but I infract you for the threads you made, which would garner 5 permanent infractions, which in turn would practically make you a banned member? Sound fair? okay.



    2. Orange
      why dont you just blog all this **** no one cares about
    3. SargeantSarcasm
      All I read was:

      Post that wastes my time, completely devoid of knowledge or necessity and should be disregarded as idiotic bitching that will only annoy me if I read a single word.

      Grow the **** up idiot, there is no such thing as free speech on the internet.
    4. Security
      I didn't say you weren't good, I meant that you didn't really need that hologram because all you did was stand there.
    5. J4M NUTST3R
      J4M NUTST3R
      Hey dude, i jumped the gun on Black Ops, it's probably going to be a great game, i just wasn't convinced of Treyarch's capability. Anyway, I'm not going to make a full assessment of it until the game comes out. Sorry mate.
    6. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      And like I said before, I've never had to make a video for my maps to get attention.
    7. AMac
      Sure dude, do you want me to change the text on it? or is it cool as is?
    8. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      If people ask for a video, **** them. Pictures are 1,000 words. If they can't see enough of the map from the pictures, then fine. I've NEVER had someone ask me on my map posts to include a video.
    9. J4M NUTST3R
      J4M NUTST3R
      WaW succeeded because of CoD4's publicity, and the fact that they improved upon it slightly. My point is, IW were the ground breakers, they made the game and are the main reason it was great. Treyarch came in and polished it, with all that you have said, and in my eyes this is not enough to be worth the £40 it's priced at. but there you go, they're a company and their main objective is profit, and you can't stop them unless you get a complete boycott.
    10. Mongoose
      It means you can talk about any game, but this is a Halo-based community. You can't stop the vote from being biased just by putting it in Gaming Discussion.
    11. J4M NUTST3R
      J4M NUTST3R
      And the only reason people play MW2 is because of the map packs!? Good one. I wont even argue that, it's a waste of my time.

      The map packs are something i'll agree with you on, they were over priced definitely, but Activision and IW knew that people would buy them, and thats why they did it. Map packs in WaW were relatively new and so Treyarch and Acti. kept it simple and cheap. They sold massively, so naturally they pumped up the price next time around. Don't forget, IW don't control the price of the map packs, they have some say in it, but Activison gets the last word.
    12. J4M NUTST3R
      J4M NUTST3R
      They gave more than Infinity ward? IW Developed the game engine, hell, did everything in the series up until CoD3. CoD4 was a complete revolution in online gaming and modern warfare. Unfortunately, Treyarch obviously didn't realise this, and so went forth and created WaW. WaW was a new campaign, re-skin, new maps and a zombies mode. Everything else implemented was from CoD4 and previous CoD games. They spent 2 years doing that? Then you take a look at what IW did in 2 years, and even though the game has serious flaws they pumped out an original game. If they had taken maybe one more year, MW2 would have been much more popular with gamers, no doubt. And then we see Black Ops.

      Black ops is the same **** Treyarch sold us with WaW, yet everyone is so blinded they can't see it.
    13. J4M NUTST3R
      J4M NUTST3R
      OK, just calm down a bit. infinity ward Is pretty much dead, your right, but that's only because the nice guys over at activision have gone down the sink hole. Also, MW3 has not been confirmed and it would not surprise me if Respawn entertainment branched off into something completely different.

      CoD was fine until IW started screwing up a version of CoD? eh? Please tell me where the screwing up was done, apart from on Treyarches behalf. And please explain to me how you can not like MW, then like WaW? What was different?

      MW2 was rushed, it could have been great, and the only reason it isn't at it's full potential is Money, and people who exploit it.
    14. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Those points can ONLY be used on that account. Points aren't on Console basis.
    15. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      And those points go to that separate account. People don't want to do that.
    16. J4M NUTST3R
      J4M NUTST3R
      Lol, yet over 13 Million people continue to play it! Trust me, the only people who hate it are all on forums. In fact, a lot of people bought consoles for the sole reason to play MW2! And those 13 Million will continue to buy CoD games, even if they're crap, (I.E. Black Ops).
    17. J4M NUTST3R
      J4M NUTST3R
      I'm not going to go on about this in the thread, so i'll just keep it in VM's. (Black Ops MP Trailer Thread).

      MW2 Copies sold: Around 14 Million
      Halo 3 Copies sold: Around 9 Million

      MW2 Copies Sold within first 24 hours: 7 Million
      Halo 3 Copies Sold withing first 12 days: 3.3 Million.

      There are a LOT more fans of CoD alone than Halo 3, let alone with Star wars too :P
    18. HLG FlashPoint
      HLG FlashPoint
      Its posted now... Post on it and tell me what you think.
    19. HLG FlashPoint
      HLG FlashPoint
      I just realized you had posted a survival guide for Monday Night Combat. Well I posted a general discussion with multiplayer tips... Would you like me to combine your post into mine. I will give the credit of the guide to you of course.
    20. luckiesnipes
      "Yeah Im not sure anyone will care" please note the bold text :)
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  • About

    High School (Grade 10)
    Lil Devil9597
    15-Year Old, No-Life Halo Nerd.

    Video Game Developement