Who's turn?
No, actually, I guaranty I can tell you exactly what you're thinking, why you're thinking it, and when you thought of it. You're sort of like some of the more shallow and personality lacking freshmen at my highschool; You're easy to read.
Once again, you're just showing y our own immaturity. Continue to heap on infractions for this comment if you like. I'll let you know when it bothers me. K thnx gui.
I'm just guessing here, but i assume the name that's in () is the member's gamertag. If you just put that next to the user instead of making a new list with more images. Some have two stars, but the name in () only has one so i don't know if that's really their gamer tag...
I'll just post it in the social group as soon as the Feedback Thread is out (if that happenes before I go to bed, 1am here)