HLG FlashPoint
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Dec 14, 2015 at 7:30 PM
Sep 5, 2008
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HLG FlashPoint


Senior Member
HLG FlashPoint was last seen:
Dec 14, 2015
    1. Stevo
      ok ill get some removed today,
      also, i'm trying to get a custom sorted for tonight... about 18:00 GMT?
    2. LRMAN0989
      Well, I'll try to fix that again. I had such high hopes of this map before that budget got to me. Reach had better have aesthetic trucks and stuff so I can properly make something like it -_-
    3. LRMAN0989
      I WAS ghost merging. Interlocking would've taken longer to do what it was in testing! And the barriers were just trying to give cover here and there, and it was good until I found that the only object I had BGed were barrier shorts. and I'm fixing the camp-able teleporters right now. Although I did find it funny when there weren't any Spartans left and then I realized someone on our team was sitting on the tele :P
    4. LRMAN0989
      Zow used the VIP gametype so he could have 2 different teams... and the empty space is due to the stupid Foundry budget, and I don't have a BGed Foundry canvas because I normally forge on Sandbox. And I know about the interlocking there, but I tried to get it right for a pretty good time but never got it because I need a 2nd controller.
    5. Stevo
      Aye no worries pal, send me a fr and i'll invite you.
      I might try get a game later today or tomorrow? I need to get Regen Zones working.
    6. Stevo
      yeah dude thats cool :)
      Where are you from? I hardly ever manage to get customs going these days
    7. MMMMMM
      if people just pay attention for once and actually not just skin threw the forums i reply too, they might not care. but every thing HAS to be so quick for every one to read. people need to just take there time iwht things. thats the key to being sucessful.
    8. MMMMMM
      sorry i didnt mean to confuse you but this internet isnt my life because i have a girl fried.
    9. DIEabolical
      thank you very much friend!!! :-)
    10. LRMAN0989
      It's just an HTML posted one on my old Star Wars fansite (NOES, I AM NOT A NERD! I MADE IT BECAUSE I WAS IN TO IT AT THAT TIME). It's either that or my friend's clan site (I made his site for him, and the clan is.... well, only me and him atm :P)
    11. LRMAN0989
      I still haz my chat room, which iz not FH :D
    12. LRMAN0989
      lol if only I were as lucky to have my comp and 'box close together..... I'm hoping my new comp is set up before Reach comes out, then I'll just glance to the left and see ;) And it'd be 10x easier to use my chat room than this.... you don't even need to DL anything! :P
    13. LRMAN0989
      lol I'm a good enough listener, my friends know my 'sign language' on Halo :P And I have a chat pad, so I can type fast if I need to talk (and it's much easier to use than sign language in the pre-game lobby in customs :P)

      And I have one, but parents.....
    14. LRMAN0989
      1 yr younger ;) And I don't use a mic, so you won't even need to hear me. IDK if I'm considered 'squeaky' or not :P
    15. LRMAN0989
      Cool :D So the Spartans will just crash land on the beach and invade the Covenant outpost or base or whatever you're making it? And did you mean the Elites will be killed in one headshot, or the Elites kill Humans with one headshot?
    16. LRMAN0989
      Yeah, but it'll be hard to complete in 1 and 1/2 months left before Reach comes out, and I don't wanna wait too long for Reach forge :/
    17. LRMAN0989
      Cool :D I've been working on my last 3 H3 maps for a map pack I'm making (The 'Farewell Halo 3' map pack. I came up with the name using my very-large imagination :P). It'll include 1 mini-game, one 1v1/2v2 map, and one Invasion Slayer map (on Foundry!). 3 maps for the 3rd game in the Halo series :D
    18. LRMAN0989
      LOL :P BTW, what r u forging on foundry? (I'm on x.com while I'm on FH)
    19. LRMAN0989
      LOL. Doesn't FH resize pics by itself?
    20. LRMAN0989
      lol you're making a pic that's too big? :P Is it even possible to make a pic that's too big? 0.o
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