HLG FlashPoint
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Dec 14, 2015 at 7:30 PM
Sep 5, 2008
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HLG FlashPoint


Senior Member
HLG FlashPoint was last seen:
Dec 14, 2015
    1. LRMAN0989
      You could probably find it and it's expansion pack at Wal-mart (Where I live, they still restock it, and it still sells!). It has an un-interesting story, though. I just played it really to help people beat it and then after I rush them through the Easy difficulty I duel them (they think they can pwn me because they beat the game faster than me :P) and then I use a special spell (yes, it's like that) that I didn't show them and then they die in one hit :P Only thing I hate about Diablo 2 is that you can't loot people's dead bodies -_- I could have silks! (Very, very special armor that's blue and Activision decided to name 'silks' :P)
    2. LRMAN0989
      Lol, I had a clan on it for a while :P Everyone quit Diablo 2 after a while, though so I lost interest :/ And yeah, the game's pretty fun online (offline.... well, I haven't beaten the game solo offline :P). And it's a great thing to go on to talk when you don't have those fancy chat rooms :P the system reqs are pretty low due to it being a 1998 game, though :D
    3. LRMAN0989
      Yeah, but I thought GIMP was mac only 0.o I must be mistaken :P BTW, do you have Diablo 2?
    4. LRMAN0989
      You use a mac, then? :P BTW, I have MS Paint, Paint.net (as advanced as GIMP or Photoshop), and Photoshop Elements. But I use Paint most because I barely know how to use Photoshop and Paint.net is on my other comp (which is slow and not connected to the interwebz)
    5. LRMAN0989
      Oh, just saw your other msg. Sure ;) I have a lot of ideas though (more beyond what I posted in your thread! FORGASM)
    6. LRMAN0989
      Umm.... I meant PR for the Plasma Rifle :P The PR is Plasma Rifle, and I've resolved to giving the Repeater the abbreviation (you only added an 'I' before the 'e', so not that much :P) of PRP
    7. LRMAN0989
      Yeah, the Repeater is the Covenant's answer to the AR. Good at short range, works at medium range, fails on long range :P The SMG and PR are more Good at short range, fails at everything else. And you don't need 2 different versions of the AR at the start of the game :P
    8. LRMAN0989
      lol yeah I know but I'm talking about strength-wise. Alone it used to be an equivalent of the SMG but had more range (in H3), but it was most powerful in duals. With dual-wielding gone, it'd be a good alternative to the SMG power-wise.

      But then again, the Repeater is still awesome ;)
    9. LRMAN0989
      Well, I do remember Bungie saying that they just added the Repeater because the Plasma Rifle is weak without dual-wielding, but they said the Plasma Rifle is still in Reach, so that could be an alternative ;)
    10. LRMAN0989
      K lol :P oh and btw, what do you think you'll switch the SMG with in Reach for the gametype?
    11. LRMAN0989
      Lol, I don't think I'll understand time zones other than the fact that most of the time they are an exact 1 or more hours ahead of me :P and I said at the earliest, it could be 7pm for me, and since you said you would see me at 6pm at the earliest, it'll be 8 for you. (Wait am I right? Hm......)
    12. LRMAN0989
      For me right now? no. 10:35 am for me ATM

      EDIT: Unless you meant something different than what time it is 4 me atm
    13. LRMAN0989
      In my time, the earliest I'll be on is 5pm (I was telling you earliest for me when I told you when in EST). And BTW, I have NO IDEA ABOUT TIME ZONES :P I just look at what time it is in others and remember how many hours ahead or late it is :P

      And yeah, I'm Canadian.
    14. LRMAN0989
      Ah, I see how that would work.... but the fact they're losing points would still force them to get their butt in gear :P And BTW, I probably won't be on 'til later today. Maybe 7pm EST (not my time zone, just using it for reference)
    15. LRMAN0989
      o cool it works for Guardian? I thought you said you wouldn't have many (if any) DMRs or BRs, and Guardian has one or two, doesn't it? It'd better have them, because I remember playing a match on the default Guardian and starting with ARs but I stole some1's BR 0.o
    16. LRMAN0989
      lol I still probably will, but I'll have to hurry to make my map, and that would lower the quality a little (Reach is so close!). And why I had said that was because I followed a link from Reach Forge Discussion (yours, in the ideas thread) and then I assumed it was still Reach :P
    17. Mongoose
      What did I do?
    18. Rifte
      Lol hey i just saw the comment you posted on my map(I never check the comments on bnet, sorry for the time it took me to get back to you). I'm working on some other fairly big projects right now that require a fair bit of attention, but what were you thinking of making? Are we the only ones that are we going to do this?
    19. AceOfSpades
    20. Mr Fausticals
      Mr Fausticals
      for your firefight on mombassa map I was wondering how you made your wall so it is destructible only by vehicles. I really want to incorporate it into my next map. So if you could let me know that'd be great!
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