Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic for Xbox Cheats - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Codes - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Cheat Codes, FAQs, Walk-Throughs, Hints
Once you have found Sasha in the Ebon Hawk, tell her to go away. Keep saying go away. Once she starts to run away, catch her before she can leave and repeat this process. If she gets too close to the door, say ''A little girl? How did you get in here?'' Then say ''Don't worry, I won't hurt you.'' Then, ''Err....okay, whatever you say.'' Repeat this whole process until you have the level you want. I did this and it took about 5-10 minutes to turn completely dark from about 3/4 down. You can only do this when you talk to her the first time, before you get off the ship on the next planet.
Talk to Mr. Matale, in the end, when he offers you a bribe, demand 2000 credits, and you'll get dark side points. Once he goes back into his estate talk to the droid to get him to come back out, simply repeat the process until you receive an infinite amount of those beloved Dark Points
"On Taris, after completing the swoop race, but before completing the Sith base, I returned to the Hidden Bek base. I once again spoke to the security chief, and was presented the same options as before the swoop race. Interested, I once again told them I had the swoop accelerator. I was given the overnight waiting cut-scene, and then I showed up at the swoop race area. I was instantly awarded some 600 XP, and Bastilla was standing there. I had the vision again then was once again returned to the apartment. I don't know if I was actually awarded the XP, I didn't check. But my game has had no ill affects as of yet. This could perhaps turn into a place to easily level up before leaving Taris... if you're really patient."
[spoiler]ACR Laucher N/A Claymore Stuns OMA Danger Close Sitrep Pro Scar-H Silenced N/A Claymore Stuns OMA ColdBlooded Ninja Intervention FMJ Raffica FMJ Throwing Knife Stuns Sleight of Hand Stopping Power Ninja Barret .50 Cal Heartbeat Sensor Rangers Akimbo Claymore Stuns Slieght of Hand Cold Blooded Ninja Tar-21 Silenced AA12 Extended Magazines Stuns Frag Grenade Marathon Lightweight Ninja UMP Silenced Rangers Akimbo Stuns Throwing Knife Marathon Cold Blooded Ninja Famas Silenced RDS Raffica FMJ RDS Stuns Claymore Bling Stopping Power Ninja Ak-47 Silencer Rangers Akimbo Stuns Claymore Sleight of Hand Cold Blooded Ninja Scar-H Red Dot Sight PP2000 Silenced Scavanger Stopping Power Ninja L86 LSW Acog HeartBeat Sensor Raffica Silenced FMJ Stuns Tacticle Insertion Bling Cold Blooded Sitrep[/spoiler]
no, just getting back into it because i wanna know as much as i can about the reach forge, cause im so ****ing pumped.
What a pleasant introduction/blatant recruitment attempt... Anyways, the website looks relatively decent; I might just check it out. First, though: Who from Forge Hub is an active member, and who is your leader? And I am not currently positioned on sdrakulich.
Please refrain from posting "Thanks for the comments!" okay lol? I know half of Chung Wii's posts on IS are that, but it's not cool over here.
You're doing fine, I don't see why not. I checked it when i got from daytona Florida yesterday and saw that it was still going.