HLG Viper
Last Activity:
Oct 31, 2009 at 10:30 PM
Jun 4, 2008
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in the very depths of hell

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HLG Viper

Ancient, from in the very depths of hell

Senior Member
HLG Viper was last seen:
Oct 31, 2009
    1. HLG Wave
      HLG Wave
      Btw, my comic you requested;I don't have it.I made it in a spiral as in paper.(I'll see if I can Scan it) Do you know any one who can change my name on FH
    2. Bass Forger
      Bass Forger
      mmk about that and i do it for the same reason i kind of just was posting random stuff at random places cuz i was bored

      Keep Forging!
    3. Bass Forger
      Bass Forger
      I've noticed you've been saying Keep Forging after every post lately... Well that's my thing all my map posts have been saying that }:( well anyway i'm jk and i just wanted to say hey and... Keep Forging! is my thing :P

      Keep Forging!


      P.S This made absolutely no sense and yeah im kinda bored
    4. crazyzebu
      Yeah, um, well, err, I was being an ass.
      It was late at night and I drank two monsters.
      Don't bring up my parents, thats really underhanded and
      How old are you anyways, you could be my same age
      and I just choose to be a whiny trash talking ***** on
      the internet.

      Thanks for saying have a nice day, I hope you have a great day too (not sarcasm). Keep making maps and ignore people who trash talk, I deleted my post. Sorry for being stupid...
    5. Ja Red is Ninja
      Ja Red is Ninja
      cool. I can't wait for high school. the only school where they treat you like a person instead of a kid. lololol
    6. Ja Red is Ninja
      Ja Red is Ninja
      blarg. how much is school sucking for you?
    7. minirugby
      hey man
      how do u download maps
    8. Ja Red is Ninja
      Ja Red is Ninja
      I think we need to make a map together...
    9. HLG Viper
      HLG Viper
      I haven't decided yet, but something original. LOL EPICS!
    10. Ja Red is Ninja
      Ja Red is Ninja
      what is the theme for the mini comp? I need a headstart. lol BTW check my location. it is teh funnyz
    11. HLG Viper
      HLG Viper
      oh woot woot. I'll make my smilies round and see how it looks. =D
    12. Ja Red is Ninja
      Ja Red is Ninja
      that's cool. if you go to picnik.com or follow this link, you can round your paint images and they will be circular smileys. I use it as a photoshop when I make a paint img
    13. HLG Viper
      HLG Viper
      that's be cool, do that! Lol, ironow. Adelyss asked we to start working on a couple of real smilies for the forums. Maybe i should just shade the square ones and make them look nicer xD Oh yeah, and i'm posting my first mini-competition post on friday! Adelyss will put it in announcements, but i will write it and come up with a theme (ES mini-comp).
    14. Ja Red is Ninja
      Ja Red is Ninja
      the MMG one. they are awesome because they are square
    15. HLG Viper
      HLG Viper
      They're square, so they're not so awesome [IMG] On the MMG signature? Or what signature are you using? [IMG]
    16. Ja Red is Ninja
      Ja Red is Ninja
      ? you and you're awesome smileys. I think I want Neal to edit my sig and have it say clicky on it. lol
    17. HLG Viper
      HLG Viper
    18. Ja Red is Ninja
      Ja Red is Ninja
      yay your status is full of epic win. look at mine
    19. HLG Viper
      HLG Viper
      Good point red! I will. I couldn't use my keyboard with spaces when i wrote it, so i did a one-worder.
    20. Ja Red is Ninja
      Ja Red is Ninja
      you should change your status to: HLG Viper is a sneaky snake.
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  • About

    in the very depths of hell
    HLG Viper
    Sneaky and bastardish

    Biting dogs in tall grass.

