Zow Jr
Last Activity:
Jul 28, 2013 at 3:01 PM
May 23, 2010
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Zow Jr


Zow Jr was last seen:
Jul 28, 2013
    1. artifact123
      Can i help you test with your Arcade Map Pack. My GT is: oscarvdhooft.
    2. LRMAN0989
      lol, I might post if I have some time :P

      EDIT: And it'd be best if you avoided rants like that in the future :P
    3. Hogframe
      I have no idea who you are, but I just backed you up on the Cavernation map post. You really had every right to help out the map poster, and they were Douches for trying to stop you. With over 1500 new members since the Forge ViDoc, we need all the help we can get.

      The reason I'm telling you all this is so that I can also tell you not to post on that Map anymore. Likely, anything you post from here on out [on that specific map] can be interpreted as trying to start a Flame War.

      Ciao. Haris.
    4. serumembryo
      Im trying to look for someone, but Reach is coming and reviews are slowing down. Most likely its gonna be the last wave of reviews before Reach.

      BTW talked to the "tattoo artist"?
    5. serumembryo
      Hey man I have bad news, BT dosent want me to wright a review. Sorry man :(
      I can find someone too though
    6. serumembryo
      This is the thread you are looking for. He makes the best sigs. He edits the Halo Reach Weapon icons and adds your name. Just ask him how you want it. Hes like a tattoo artist. But always remember to give him a high five.
    7. serumembryo
      Oh, a guy made a sig for me. He made it red originally. It was red all this time.
    8. serumembryo
      I dont think thats possible. If you join the RH and wright a review, the review and its rating gets posted on the Site Update.
    9. serumembryo
      Yeah, since you seemed a little bit bummed about your map and its "audience" I wanted to make you feel better by posting a map review. Im trying to get in RH and I need 3 reviews so I can get accepted into it. I can do it on Friday or some other time on the weekend.
    10. serumembryo
      Hey man I know you just requested a map review. Im trying to get in the RH, if you want I can review it
    11. serumembryo
    12. LRMAN0989
      Lol, your editing of your post in the new Mario Plumb map was un-needed. I just finally got on today, and I already saw your siggy with a link to it. I like the changes you made ;) Although I'll agree with that guy, the trees were a little unneeded.

      (I did not post in the thread because I'd rather not see people flame you for getting mad that people 'spammed' maps. It's not like other people don't wanna make a last Halo 3 map and post it...)
    13. LRMAN0989
      lol, doesn't the situation with loadout names make you go 'oh ****!'?

      Does for me.
    14. Vantier Raleigh
      Vantier Raleigh
      hey dude join the group im in lol. I dont know if it's really about anything but i think the name is funny lol
    15. Doomsdale
      Well then, give me the link and I'll try it out.
    16. Doomsdale
      Have you tried it?
    17. shovel
      far more asteticlly pleasing plus two hurricanes chaos CHAOS!
    18. broodyguitarguy
      hey thanks for the tip you should check out my other maps if you havn`t already
    19. Devil95
      Cancelling A Dying Hope Series and Zombie Horde in Halo 3 Moving it to Reach.
    20. AceOfSpades
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  • About

    Zow Jr
    Hello. My name is Daniel Zow Martinez, but you can call me Zow Jr. I am a long time Halo fan and an amateur forger. I love to forge, but my busy life combined with my ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) make it difficult to pump out lots of ideas due to constant creative blocks. My favorite kind of map is Minigame and Infection maps and I am always trying to come up with something new and innovative.

    Anything that doesn't hurt or disgrace you


    Please note that any comments made by me ragin on sniper weapons are JOKES, and jokes alone. Please do not take it the wrong way.