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Dec 26, 2010 at 1:36 AM
Dec 23, 2009
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forgenarb was last seen:
Dec 26, 2010
      Where the hell are you!
    2. Drizzt
      When Reach comes out do want to remake some halo 3 gametypes and make maps for them
    3. blassin
      Do a forgethru for both, pls :) : Halo 3 File Details : Halo 3 File Details
    4. Conkerkid11
      Hey Forgenarb, that Shipment remake you posted on by MetaWaddleDee is built at the top of the sky bubble. This means that the invisible barriers stop you from getting on top of the boxes and over the walls. I'd suggest editing your post on his map thread, or making a new post, because Meta actually said it was built at the top of the sky bubble in his thread, and it shows the barriers in the YouTube video.

    5. Conkerkid11
      In reply to your edited post on Hoodsnug, there is no way I can fix the fact that players can access the top of the bunker or cliffside. These are problems that are fixed by simple custom gametype variations with higher gravity. Neither of these "breaks" really accomplish anything. They stick you up in a higher elevation, but at the same time you are given absolutely no cover whatsoever. I don't plan on fixing the Z-Fighting in the bunker either, because Z-Fighting means it's perfect however hard it is to look at. Also, every time I tried to fix the Z-Fighting in the bunker it would just come back again via save changes/end game. The little "pod" thing that the Attacking team's warthog spawns in during symmetrical games was originally a supply drop in Modern Warfare 2's Afghan. I thought supply drop, and came up with "box where warthog spawns."
    6. Conkerkid11
      It is balanced, and I honestly don't understand how people think getting on top of the rocks near the cliffside gives players an advantage... I think this is all based on a quick glance at the pictures.

      Thanks for the time you took to post on my map thread Forgenarb!
    7. Conkerkid11
      In reply to your post on Hoodsnug, the tail on the plain took up almost $200 budget on Snughood, so for Hoodsnug I removed the whole tail on purpose and don't plan to bring it back. However nice it was, it was underused, and hardly anybody notices it's gone during competitive matches.

      "Is the cliff escapable?" - I'm not quite sure what you mean, but if you're asking if you can still climb it, then the answer is "yes". You can access the top of the cliff from the bottom by staying to the left while hopping up. It takes a lot of skill, and I would refer to it more so as a tactical jump that requires more than one jump.

      Thanks for being the first to reply Forgenarb, I almost thought nobody was going to reply.
    8. Black Theorem
      Black Theorem
      Even tho it's a remake, it will still be encouraged to get pics, since you're posting in the Maps forum.

      You want me to lock it until you have pics ready, then pm me?

      I'm an idiot, that's tester's guild. Ignore me :P
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