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9y 29w ago
Jul 13, 2008
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Ancient, from Jersey

Senior Member
Transactionzero was last seen:
Aug 21, 2015
    1. Adelyss
      Now times that by 4 and your correct.
    2. Adelyss
      Kill this guys signature...its way to big lol.

      Forge Hub - View Profile: Doomed Chaos
    3. Shanon
      My little sister's name is Alexa.
      So whenever I see your CT I get weirded out
    4. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      Can you move bloo jays post to the discussion thread.
    5. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      I think definition of a senior member i covered in the rules/guidelines threads. I don't think the proofread threads need to be stickied for now since there's not even a second page and they should get fair use.
    6. chrstphrbrnnn
      Hey, can you get on box?
    7. What's A Scope?
    8. Adelyss
      Sorry dude I must of got off like 5-10 minutes before you got on :P I'll be on later again tonight...don't know when...I guess when ever I get bored again
    9. RightSideTheory
      Throw a lock on it.
    10. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      Well I'd used it before so I already had some practice. I think the announcement needs to stand out more or something, but it might be because I've been here for so long I don't notice everything.

      Here's how I would set it up:

      Step 1: Make submitting maps easier. Maybe a form entry style. Not sure how much work you'd want to do to the forum code. Also if it created a Feedback thread when you made your testing thread that would be nice.

      Step 2: Get better testing coordination. I'm not sure how right now but it seems like the testers are kinda unorganized. Maybe a special chatbox for people in the testers guild, or some other means of contacting them like a gamertag. Or get more set testing times.

      Maybe more commitment from testers to actually leave feedback or think critically from their reviews to actually you know, provide testing, instead of just being players.
    11. Kidbomber
      Ugh. Not used to the TG being like this now. Im terrible at making plans and stuff, maybe thats why I never plan parties lol. But all seriousness, so the testers play the maps on there own at there own times, however then have to meet the deadline instructed in the main title, or is it that and/or how we used to do it kinda?
    12. Kidbomber
      Im have to work around what i have to do being of all the stuff im up too, but I can't leave behind my baby now can I? I'll resign myself up, and you can up me where you need me.
    13. Shock Theta
    14. Kidbomber
      I feel I have be called upon, what do you need with the TG bbe?
    15. buddhacrane
      Oh I see. I'm just wondering whether it should be in journo section or not, thats all! Like, if it's not intended to go up on the front page...


      cool recap though! Neds more justles.
    16. Adelyss
      I knew of the second break lol but I didn't think about Overshield Rocket.. :p
    17. Shad0w Viper
      Shad0w Viper
      I'm watching a movie.
    18. Crippled Hobo
    19. SargeantSarcasm
      yep, circadian rhythms. lol

    20. SargeantSarcasm
      Lol. Synced circadian rhythms.

      and that doesn't work, they gave me anesthesia once that was meant to put me out for 6 hours, I woke up after an hour.