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Oct 23, 1991 (Age: 33)
North East uk

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Ancient, from North East uk

Senior Member
Matty was last seen:
Sep 1, 2013
    1. Pegasi
      Amnesty box is where they have a box you can put any drugs or whatever in to when they ask you and they won't take it any further. If, however, you turn down such an opportunity and are found with something, yer ****ed. But if it's just the drive then I'd say its fine tbh. Rule 1: whoever's driving pays attention to being careful and playing safe and I can't see why you'd get pulled over tbh.
    2. Pegasi
      Could well be dodgy tbh, though won't they have an amnesty box or something? I know it'd suck but if it looks like you're gonna get caught anyway when going in then just chuck it in there and avoid the consequences I guess.
    3. Pegasi
      Depends who, when and what tbh, but generally either just under or just over £160. That be Narch, back in London you'll more likely be paying under than over, but again it depends.
    4. DRiSCOLL
      yeah yeah should be on now
    5. SargeantSarcasm
      it was hard to find when I watched it, might not be the case now.
    6. SargeantSarcasm
      that looks awesome.

      Full Battle Rattle - Movie Trailers - iTunes

      seen it, good documentary.
    7. SargeantSarcasm
      Yeah the one with the glasses.
    8. SargeantSarcasm
      :O Giovanni Ribisi is in it, SCORE.
    9. SargeantSarcasm
      I saw the American, did not see this one.
    10. Pegasi
      Screw that, just take the cactus itself. Apparently it's rank, but worth it.
    11. Pegasi
      Apparently it's awesome, though I haven't taken it myself, lots of friends have.
    12. cluckinho
      I dunno...MickRaider should know I'd ask him. Why'd you ask me though? I have no idea how to do any of that stuff
    13. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      Well we know Fw = 760 N so we set Fy >= 0, thus we can divide Fw/cos (60) to figure out the required force to pull him up. So since cos (60) = .5 you' d need 1520 N force of Fk to pull him up.So we have 8 m/s and we need to figure out the upward thrust.Once again we assume that the kite' s incidence is 30 deg above horizontal, so the 8 m/s velocity is actually supplying 6.9 m/s to the lift.

      The drag equation is 1.28 Sin[incidence] and we can assume Cd is like .68 or something along those lines.Well the density of air is~1.2 kg/m^3 and if we assume a kite is 1 m^2.

      R = 18.432

      nowhere near the 1500 N force that would be needed.Even if we had a full lift from the 8
      m/s velocity you' d need to have an area of around 65 m^2 to get the kind of lift you would need to lift that force. I hope this makes sense, otherwise I' m not sure what to say other than that problem is missing a buttload of information.
    14. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      Man that's a pretty bullshit question, there isn't nearly enough information there to actually prove anything, like there's no information about the kites weight or surface area, nor do they give the density of air. But I'll try and type out my thoughts on how I'd try and solve it.

      well you have 2 forces acting on him, the Force of the weight and the force of the kite. Since you're only concerned with the force of him being lift off the ground then you can ignore the forces in the X direction like friction.

      You're left with the equation
      Fy=Cos(60) Fk - Fw

      So we know that the Fy > 0, but only marginally.So let' s see if we can figure out something for Fk.
    15. Whisper
      01 MIX FABRIC.mp3
    16. Whisper
      Ok, that link doesn't work. Lol, lemme upload it to Mediafire.
    17. Whisper
    18. Whisper
      Yeah, I have it. Lemme upload it for you.
    19. DRiSCOLL
      hmm I see what you mean, I'm sure i've seen a couple of friends in very similiar to your description. like you said allsaints sell that sorta thing but as you mentioned it I guess ithats not what you were looking for, hmmm I can remember seing similar stuff in topman, try this Blue Denim Cuffed Joggers - Joggers - Mens Trousers - TOPMAN they are baggy, light blue, jogger like. Could of been what you saw :) hope I helped x
    20. Pegasi
      Sorry dude, got no idea what yer talking about :(.
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    Oct 23, 1991 (Age: 33)
    North East uk
