Start a new thread with that link and at least a paragraph explaining your thoughts and theories, and as long as its decent nobody will mind. Its no biggy, I just want to avoid eleven people going "omgtrollwtf" or "spam lock please" so it would be better to start anew. I did understand what you were saying, but there are still guidelines and rules you gotta follow.
Do you mind sending me a short text tutorial instead? Not to decline ungratefully, but I just don't get on my 360 that long since my studies are getting hectic.
Hey it seems that your pretty good with screenshots, if you want i could put a few in a youtube montage and give a link to your fileshare
I just read it. I already do this, i have 45,670 other people who help me with this. If the submissions get above 10 i narrow it down to 10 alone, and this has only happened once, where 2 others helped. If it doesn't fit the theme I remove it, if it somewhat meets it abstractedly the members of our community will either not vote for it as it doesnt really meet the theme, or it will meet it in a very cool way and will get tons of votes.