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Aug 18, 2023 at 4:53 PM
Feb 2, 2008
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Sixpakvb was last seen:
Aug 18, 2023
    1. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Happy birthday gui
      Happy Birthday, person I used to talk to a lot... Oh wait...

      Thanks, dude... But, if you know anything about me it's that I'm lazy and besides unless we have another World War thread going on or the (Original) FH RPG is coming back then I don't have a whole lot of point. :/ When I do get on there is usually not a whole lot going on besides the whole chat thing with you, Jugg, Pigglez and maybe Whisper in it...

      Methinks we need another World War off topic game going on again for old times sake. That is of course if we can stop it from getting out of hand. :/ Which also reminds me who was that person who ****ed it up for everyone? Heh...
    3. Hari
      Oh **** is right.
    4. Hari
      ha ha. I love void ray rushes. Just get 4-5 and their base is DONE. or, you can mass stalkers with blink and get void rays so they can jump cliffs.
    5. Sixpakvb
      Yeah, I went on an 8 game winning streak then lost 6 games and haven't won one since. Not sure what I did wrong unless it was just that I was playing at 4am, have to make up for all the losses now. It's probably a good idea to play customs first, I didn't before the reset and lost a lot of my first matches.
    6. Hari
      I dont play ranked. Just custom. I'm working on my strategy and micro.
    7. Hari

      I have a take home essay to write.
    8. Pigglez
      SOOooooooOOOo I just figured your profile hasn't been posted on in a while, so like ya.... The Game.
    9. The Jewker7244
      The Jewker7244
      i was right the other day you can use boomer bile to glitch. i found out how to get the cemetery as a level. zombies act as stepping stones and you can jump out of the level. if you go into the safe room then the level ends and starts the next one up but the timer starts when theres a horde alerted from something like the car. each time the cars hit it will reset though
    10. The Jewker7244
    11. The Jewker7244
      The Jewker7244
    12. The Jewker7244
      The Jewker7244
      it should say go to friends it says invitations sent and i has you and 1 other guy
    13. The Jewker7244
    14. The Jewker7244
      The Jewker7244
      new sp is called dances with smurfs........ wtf???
    15. The Jewker7244
      The Jewker7244
      really six? really?
    16. The Jewker7244
      The Jewker7244
      k later wanna play some? and Sixpackvb is not your name its your nickname so it says you dont exist whats the original name
    17. The Jewker7244
      The Jewker7244
      dude that fight was awesome he was all **** you dont tell me how to raise my son and kicked his ass lulz. was so awesome and zack got loyal wtf i didnt expect that. also what was your steam name so i can add you? heres download you gotta have nvidia card but theres one also for ati if you dont have Portal: First Slice is free for all NVIDIA Gamers
    18. The Jewker7244
      The Jewker7244
      hey six i wanna show you an easter egg i found in l4d2 demo l8r its pretty awesome
    19. The Jewker7244
      The Jewker7244
      wanna do teh puzzle map?
    20. The Jewker7244
      The Jewker7244
      wtf why you leave i said brb
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