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Dec 12, 2012 at 4:29 PM
Jun 19, 2008
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Walking towards a sunset, somewhere.

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Ancient, from Walking towards a sunset, somewhere.

Senior Member
Beefi was last seen:
Dec 12, 2012
    1. Grif
      I'm dead and they're talking about wheat.
    2. Grif
    3. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      I'll remove some nub then. :3
    4. Insane54
      accidentally banned you instead of slapping you...can you see the shoutbox now? you might need to refresh.
    5. ..::Brotherston!x
      "I'm thanks :D"? Hmm that answer appears to be missing something, perhaps the ANSWER :L
    6. ..::Brotherston!x
      im good yu? :L you have like 2 pages of messages on my page :L
    7. Turkey bag56
      Turkey bag56
    8. Turkey bag56
      Turkey bag56
      It is because this infraction never expires.
      Oh well. When my major game comes out (with a kind of forge mode) I'll make god dam sure that this site (or any site run by the same people) will have nothing to do with it or I'll sue there ass. I'll even put it in terms of service! :O (if forgehub is still alive by then)
      I will get my revenge. Whether it takes 1 day, or 1000 years....
    9. Turkey bag56
      Turkey bag56
      Yeah I know but I still think it's for the greater good. I can understand how I could get an infraction for it but the fact I didn't get a warning is the problem.
    10. Turkey bag56
      Turkey bag56
      Posting things on Draw Muhammad Day witch is apparently "Disrespectful behaviour".
      The reason for Draw Muhammad Day is to stand up for free speech. Extremists think that by killing innocent people they can stop people from using Muhammad (south park etc) I think one unarmed guy got stabbed like 10 times and had his head cut off for using Muhammad in something (not sure what). So this was to tell them that by killing people that did nothing they are only make things worse, not better. Then maybe they wont kill people anymore.

      I don't find trying to save peoples life's as "Disrespectful behaviour". And extremists (the ones that kill people) are mostly the only people that take offence to Draw Muhammad Day. Some muslims participated in Draw Muhammad Day. If I had a warning (which I should have got) I would have stopped.
    11. buddhacrane
      I know, it was all like professional yo! I'm sneaky sneaky :D

    12. buddhacrane
      I just read your thought-provoking VM you left me a few days ago. Infrakshun LAWL!
    13. Hari
    14. emilio30
      Nah, just gonna play it till they take it down!
    15. ..::Brotherston!x
      :D yay but ive no mic :(
    16. ..::Brotherston!x
      Nope :/ out of house and without mythic disk :O:'(
    17. ..::Brotherston!x
      Lol cause you love me :F
    18. Twilight GN0ME
      Twilight GN0ME
      Hey bud, things are going pretty good mate; completely exhausted from coursework but have to keep pushing to get it done. I really need to get back to Forgehub at some point :/ 18 in 13 minutes :D
    19. Kidbomber
      Could you PM me or VM me the links to the flames and the planet for me then?
    20. Kidbomber
      My fault, My apologies..

      Iv been busy lately and I was going to then something came up and I forgot to reply. Actually I was playing to do it but again once that thing came up it was rather annoying. If you like for me to make it today, get back to me and I'll gladly do it right now.
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    Walking towards a sunset, somewhere.
    ♥ ♫ I'm a Beefie, I'm a Beefie, I'm a Beefie ♫ ♥


