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Jul 26, 2012 at 7:50 PM
Jun 30, 2009
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Senior Member
alextrer was last seen:
Jul 26, 2012
    1. REMkings
      If you want to find out more, then please read this announcement to find out anything you want to know.
      Also, if you want to stay up to date or find out even more or have any questions whatsoever, feel free to join our social group. We will gladly do the best we can to keep you informed or answer your questions.

      Already know about BIOC or already convinced that this is what you want?
      Then sign up for our first round here! But be quick, submission will close in less than a week from now!!

      Thanks for taking the time!
      On behalf of the BIOC crew,
      - REMkings
    2. REMkings
      Hey, I noticed that you're a member of the social group Infection: Final Stand. It seems that you like Infection a lot. However, that group kind of died and lost its interest. That's why I'm presenting this new Custom game event meant for guys like you, called Bloodthirst: Infection Only Customs, shortly know as BIOC.

      BIOC is an ongoing custom game series where we will be playing nothing but Infection maps and Infection maps only during one whole week of hosting lobby's. Not only do we play some sick, highly balanced infection maps but we also provide you the chance of playing and testing your own maps. The reason why we're hosting during the whole week is so that anyone, from any timezone, can find a proper day on which he can join. Our hosts live across the whole planet so the times of hosting will be very different as well, so you can always find a time that suits you best.

    3. Oakdude9
      Cool, message me toworow at 12:30. I'll be on then. Same gamertag.
    4. new dewd 2 halo
      new dewd 2 halo
      sure, matter of fact, i am a part of a group on Bungie that is looking for more people to help build maps. the one i posted was built be me and the group leader. U interested in Joinin?
    5. v0ltecpr0
      About that mini-game could you give me a lil more information of what u were thinking off?
    7. alextrer
      oh sorry well,i got confused thanks for taking your time
    8. Skisma
      I think you misunderstood what I said. I am willing to help you with ideas and improve your forging skills. I can give you my thoughts on how to design the structures and pathways of your map and teach you everything there is to know about forge. As far as building the actual map goes, that's all you man. I don't really have alot of time to forge with a partner because I'm hardly ever on. Every time I check to see if you're on, you're not. I'll be more than happy to help you out with what's stated above, that's what I'm here for;)
    9. DarkShadowxXx66
      Same as my username.
    10. DarkShadowxXx66
      Thanks, but that's not even my gem, which...happens to be incomplete...

      Also, that link you gave me doesn't take me anywhere.
    11. FragTaztick
      CaptainnObvious if im not on take a look at my FS my most recent map is called warehouse and one of my favs is called Recollection.
    12. Mr Ev
      Mr Ev
      My Gamertag is Mr Ev88, i think i already sent u a friend request
    13. FragTaztick
      Def a map maker for sure!
    14. Mr Ev
      Mr Ev
      Ok What's your gamertag and ill send you a few maps that ive made
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