Dec 2, 2007
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Los Angeles
Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf

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In Loving Memory, from Los Angeles

Senior Member
    1. CHUCK's Sister
      CHUCK's Sister
      most of yours dooo
    2. CHUCK's Sister
      CHUCK's Sister
      whaaaat juuuust haaaapened
    3. CHUCK's Sister
      CHUCK's Sister
      youre freaking out?
    4. CHUCK's Sister
      CHUCK's Sister
      you cool? pshh
    5. CHUCK's Sister
      CHUCK's Sister
      yeah, all the cool people dont reply to messages.

      : P
    6. CaMOfo
    7. CaMOfo
      Ban now.
      Forge Hub - View Profile: bbyomma420
    8. Black Theorem
    9. Hari
      Oh. awesome. another movie to watch :D Yes, single serving friends. Absolutely brilliant. Though you can always say 'it was just a movie and so it means nothing', there must have been someone that went through most of what happened in that film in order to portray it so accurately. Their portrayal of depression and insomnia, and the mindset that goes with it is phenomenal, as well as the lines that are used. It's one of those movies you can watch 20 times and still not see everything in it.
    10. Hari
      Sounds great. Ill definitely check that out. I was particularly interested in the philosophical values portrayed in Fight Club. Especially those regarding the relativity of nature and how suffering causes happiness. It really struck a chord with me, though some of the more brutal and strange parts i found unnecessary. My favorite part had to be the first 'human sacrifice'. "You should be jealous. Tomorrow morning, he will have the best ****ing cereal in his life."
    11. Hari
      I am Hari's cancerous uncoolness. Have you seen Fight Club? What's your view on it?
    12. Matty
      i may have crossed that line
    13. Penguinish
      Yeah, maybe someday. Anywho im off to bed, nice talking to ya.
    14. Penguinish
      Thats what kind of keeps me from moving to cali. I wanna move there, but cost of living in texas is decentish. In total my expenses go like this.

      Rent 520
      electric 20-70
      water 30-70
      car 135
      liability insurance 120
      internet 40
      gas per week 20-30 dollars on norm
      groceries under 200 for the month.

      Depending how well i manage my money for the month I can have like 200-400 dollars to play with. Which is good because hookers charge by the minute.
    15. Penguinish
      I pay 520 a month, water and electric separate. And I make 11/hr at my job with about 37 hours per week
    16. Penguinish
      Just got my own apartment the first of April, and im working at the hospital as a registration clerk in my town right now, Im going to try to get into a community college, but I have no idea what to do yet.
    17. Penguinish
      Hah I refreshed my page and saw that I had 2 notifications my first thought was. Damnit that ****er must of infracted me for saying his name on forgehub. Just kidding. Hows that mod business treating you?
    18. Penguinish
      ESSIAS!!!(that spelled right?) WHAT UP G!
    19. mastersync23
      Have fun with that. I might see you online. Or not, seeing as how there's like, two or three million people expected to play it tomorrow.
    20. mastersync23
      Y hello, Sarge.

      Are you gonna be playing the Reach Beta tomorrow, or did you get a code to play it early?

      Or are you going to skip out on the whole thing? :P
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  • About

    Los Angeles
    Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf
    Watching tons of movies, writing, listening to R&B/Motown/Classic Rock


    The Lulz List​

    12:01 am PacMonster1: Thought this was going to be one of those never ending conversations where you act all haughty and ****