Furry x Furry
Last Activity:
Jun 10, 2020 at 5:46 AM
Feb 25, 2009
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June 13
San Francisco

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Furry x Furry

Ancient, from San Francisco

Senior Member

sup Jun 10, 2020

Furry x Furry was last seen:
Jun 10, 2020
    1. Grif
      That's nice, but I was asking how you were.
    2. Grif
      How goes it?
    3. Grif
      Well thanks for doing it. The drawing was just the sketch for a commission someone is doing for me (if she ever finishes...).
    4. Grif
      Let me see it please
    5. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
      No problem dude, thanks for your advice as well. Message me anytime you need tests or just wanna **** around.
    6. chrstphrbrnnn
    7. Paranoia UK
      Paranoia UK
      I off out for a bit dude. I will on in a few hours though. Ill message you on live if your on when im back. Im looking forward to seeing it, the pictures look sweeeeeet :P
    8. Grif
      LOL -flr-
    9. Grif
      You a furry bro?
    10. Epic Tusk
      Epic Tusk
      I miss you...

      YouTube - Laidback Luke feat. Jonathon Mendelsohn - Till Tonight (MSTRKRFT Remix)
    11. Epic Tusk
      Epic Tusk
      alright bro, I added you.
    12. Epic Tusk
      Epic Tusk
      I've got scope, check out my profile.
    13. Epic Tusk
      Epic Tusk
      I've been great man, been busy with school and work, that's about it. Excited for this new game called Reach? Don't know much about it, seems pretty elfin' AWESOME.
    14. Epic Tusk
      Epic Tusk
      YouTube - ‪Jamaica - I Think I Like U 2 [HQ 320kbps]‬‎

      I love you, take me back.
    15. Debo37
      Kekeke. :3
    16. Insane54
      Cool, post here, for convenience's sake and we're good.
    17. Insane54
      A while ago I saw your post in the Forge Academy signups; unfortunately we're probably going to take that down soon, at least until the summer.

      However, I've been bouncing around the idea about doing a kind of class over Skype using text chat and my capture card. Would you be interested in that? I can't really say what I'll be teaching because I'm not sure yet :P

      Trying to see what kind of audience is interested in this kind of thing.
    18. Epic Tusk
      Epic Tusk
      I don't think one of them dropped, he could be doing something else. And I'm starting to think that that T-bang song is a fake, but a good one at that. And Justice, I'm starting to think that they won't be release a new album this year. :-/
    19. Epic Tusk
      Epic Tusk
      Is that a live show? I can't tell. :S

      YouTube- Thomas Bangalter - Rock On'
    20. Epic Tusk
      Epic Tusk
      lulz, Have you heard this yet?

      YouTube- Erol Alkan feat. Boys Noize - Lemonade
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  • About

    June 13
    San Francisco
    Furry x Furry
    What is there to gain from my bio?


    remember when signatures were a thing?