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May 1, 2008
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Ancient, Male, from London, UK

Senior Member
Pegasi was last seen:
Jun 12, 2023
    1. SargeantSarcasm
      They're legit lol.

      Zip so far. Found out about them last night. Thing is, a lot of my writing is more about fate vs. free will or moral consequences, realistic stories really, er plausible that have psychological twists thrown in for good measure.

      These sites look for sci-fi or fantasy, so I don't know if many of my ideas would apply. I have a few that'd qualify though.
    2. SargeantSarcasm
      Ones that are like anthologies for stories. Apparently they're really popular. I was reading the rights stuff regarding story submissions, and they're pretty lenient, mostly wanting initial publication rights then they revert back to the author after that.

    3. SargeantSarcasm
      So I've found a way to supplement my currently nonexistent income by not doing much more than I already do.

      Magazines taking story submissions online :D
    4. SargeantSarcasm
      " This thread is not a place to slander and attack Staff members over feature, least of all from a member who is supposed to represent FH in their rank. Furthermore, with the specific options you have for suggesting Features aside from those of a grey member, not utilising said options then going on a tirade about features is absent-minded at best, and all out hypocritical at worst.

      This thread is for discussion, please take your angst elsewhere."

      I approve.
    5. TexturedSun
      Guess who owns a '67 Strat ;)
    6. Orange
      Next week the reach beta comes out. Next weeks theme in ScOTW is Halo Reach screenshots. What I wanted to ask you is if I could have that week get more coverage, for instance making It an official forgehub contest. Screenshots are a part of the community, it'd be cool to have some type of contest for reach since that's pretty much the only thing you can save as custom content from the reach beta. Besides TGIF there is not that much "official" forgehub activity in the reach beta. I'd greatly appreaciate it.
    7. Orange
      Thanks, I hate viruses.
      Not to ramble on but, do you know if the thing I sent in a VM to him was considered at all?
    8. TexturedSun

      Srs ... you have no idea how much I want this.
    9. TexturedSun

      Its a '67 Olympic White one, rosewood neck. I'm not at liberty to divulge how much :p ;)
    10. pyro
      Competitive Maps: Supergunner on a Killing Spree
    11. Orange
    12. thesilencebroken
      MLG removes [to me] the distinctions between Halo and Call of Duty or any other first person competitive shooter. Its not bad, it just has nothing exciting in it. Everyone using a battle rifle 24/7 isnt as interesting to me as every person using a different weapon and taking a different approach to the fight.
    13. thesilencebroken
      I like the teamwork of MLG, no doubt. I just get bored with the same 2 weapons and layouts. Take default layouts, and put those teamworking skills into those.
    14. thesilencebroken
      yeah, but to me, this defines halo:



    15. thesilencebroken
      i was just explaining to you why i was sounding so much like the whiny MLG kids... cause i was quoting them all. lol

      Halo 3, when not hindered by removal of weapons and vehicles from matchmaking, provides the most interesting and original gameplay, while being the most balanced. Halo 2 was heavily unbalanced. I dont love matchmaking in H3, because they constantly Nerf everything, but Customs on default maps is amazing. I just wish there were bigger maps with more vehicle use.
    16. thesilencebroken
      Those were more a rounded overall opinion of the majority. Personally, I think Halo 2 was vastly inferior to Halo 3.
    17. chrstphrbrnnn
      In all honesty, I thought most of those types had left us. In our hayday that attitude made sense, but now this whole "staff corrupt" bullshit seemed to have been gone. It specifically annoyed me because I've been going out of my way to find maps of every genre, by any creator and even to find maps by people who haven't been represented enough.
    18. Matty
      I said cram it with content, so the variation of maps will in no way be affected, and the extensiveness remains completely unchanged. I can't see them improving the UI without completely scrapping current methods (for instance, we cannot 'turn off gravity' without ditching multiplayer forge etc.), and me and Textured Sun have both used Far Cry and don't want them to take that path.

      If theres no challenge to it, either body or mind, then i don't see the point in it. If it's just a case of putting pieces together, with no development or compromise on-the-fly, then basicly everything that can be made can be made from the moment the game comes out. There would be no development. Uh i duno, i just cant imagine any enjoyment from making a map if it takes no work. I make maps for myself, and i enjoy the challenge and the achievement that comes from finishing.
    19. Matty
      I don't know what that means
    20. Matty
      I don't want to turn the Reach threads into one of the many, where each post just gets longer and longerrr.

      But yea, me and Textured Sun had this discussion the other day. If Forge was too easy to use (like FC where object manipulation is piss) it would totally lose it's worth. I'd prefer if they just packed it with content, even if it maintained the same stupid glitches.

      If anyone can use it, anyone will use it, and you won't have this niche community of identical goals.
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