hey right on. I know that it takes a lot of thought and patience to write a review so take you time on it. Keep me posted
Manic Killa has been gone for 2 weeks and I still done have a video for restricted. I could easily see this leading into September. I hope not though.
Dude, I'm Releasing Restricted Zone along with Deadport on August 2nd. I've also been working on a Single Map. You'll see soon enough!
OKay, On July 4th 2010. Were starting up the New and Improved Zombie Horde. If you would like to join message Lil Devil9597 on XBL. See-ya!
Actually, I just did that to revive a map that deserved to be revived. But being in the review team wouldn't hurt (As long as I get all the perks that come with it, of course). Glad you liked it, though. But it probably won't happen again for a while.
The Map Pack Should be Releasing on June 5th 2010. Zombie Horde (Name of gametype will change) Map Pack 4 (Revamped) will be started on June 30th.
I've justed talked to BabyBaconStrips about this issue. He needs to get videos for all 4 maps. Also wondering if you wanna forge some maps for the Zombie Horde Revamp. The Revamp includes Sandbox, Longshore (I know another 1) and 3 others. I got 2 New People to help. If your interested in helping, Send me a Message back.
lol i use it as my cover on my binder at school.. everyone laughed their ass off... including the teachers.
I just played Deadport 2.0. I got to say, I like the Changes. However, I would remove the Overshield. In the Mode your health can't regenerate. Also it has Too Many Power Weapons. I thought the Sniper and Lazer Should be sperated. The Fuel Rod is a Great Touch, Just make sure its far from the other power weapons. Other than that gameplay was smooth. Love how you made the Assualt Rifle the Main Weapon. 1 Br and 5 Ars, That brillant! Also I need to send you an invite to do an Interview with your map. Since the Community is making maps, My friend agreed to make some Interview Clips. When can you Join?
according to the guy with a mario cookie you made a map that wasn'ta fun oh *GASP* jake made a shitty map. Whaddya know. ha ha jk bud. Which one is it?