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13y 51w ago
Mar 13, 2008
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Mar 30, 1994 (Age: 30)
Long Island

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Ancient, from Long Island

Senior Member
Pigglez was last seen:
Mar 20, 2011
    1. Katanga
      Just looking for gimmicky pokemon to make a party with.
      If you could grab me a lombre / Ludicolo (it's a water stone to evolve it, anyway), I'll trade you the clamperl. You can just have the ponyta if you want it. :D
    2. Katanga
      Do you have a lombre or Ludicolo? I've also never had a ludicolo, so that'd be awesome. If you haveo ne, could you nickname it "Poncho"? XD
    3. Katanga
      What sort of things have you got to offer? I'm nto asking for EV'd stuff, because I know it's not a worthwhiel trade on your part. Do you have a good level'd Poliwhirl? I've always wanted a gag poliwhirl for a party.
    4. Kidbomber
      Would you maybe want to run Sotw from now on? If so get back to me when you can.
    5. Scobra
      Putting Roar on the Legendary Dogs is such a ****ing troll move in my opinion.
    6. Scobra
      I would highly recommend Starmie. It can cover almost every type because it can learn Psychic, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, and Surf. That's what mine has and it's been unstoppable in game since FR/LG.

      And yeah, that's not to bad for being 20 levels under. They really beefed up Red since Gold and Silver. In fact, this is probably the hardest Pokemon game to date in my opinion.
    7. Scobra
      Snorlax Lvl 68
      Herracross Lvl 72
      Weezing Lvl 70
      Starmie Lvl 75
      Weavile Lvl 73
      Shuckle Lvl 69

      I've had Starmie since LeafGreen (or Fire Red. Can't remember which) and it got me through most of that game. I transferred it to Pearl where I used it to grind through the Battle Tower. After that, I moved it to HG to use it as my main once I got to Kanto. Lol. It's a ****ing machine.

      I have Shuckle on my team because I wanted to experiment with it for a bit considering how I never really used it before. It's insanely hard to level up but it's defensive stats make it totally worth it.
    8. Scobra
      Definitely bro! I sold MW2 and some other games so I could buy HeartGold and I'm loving every second of it. They really did a good job keeping true to the originals while adding in some new things to keep it fresh.

      What's your current team that you're using?
    9. Scobra
      **** yeah it is.
    10. RaBBiiTTT
      I'm really looking forward to that sig =\

      Love your Halo sig skills.
    11. The Effected
    12. The Effected
      The Effected
      Ooooh snap loyal
    13. Orange
      Tag, your it. No tagbacks
    14. Insane54
      Cat N Mouse
      Tremor Blast
      Tremors N Mouse
      Hot Spots
      The Hollow
      Cave Freaks

      just some quick taht come to mind
    15. Orange
      join my party
    16. The Jewker7244
      The Jewker7244
      ya i did but then i got reincarnated and **** i dont know metal gear merils hot
    17. The Jewker7244
      The Jewker7244
      you just lost the game
    18. RaBBiiTTT
      Thanks, man.

      Preferred stock: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
      Back-up stock (in case first is not good): Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details

      Text: RaBBiiTTT
    19. RaBBiiTTT
      Hope you get to GFX back soon, dude. Love your style XD

      [spoiler]Are you still working on my request? lol. If you haven't forgotten it, then I can just officially cancel it if you don't have the time to finish it (which is completely fine with me).[/spoiler]
    20. Kidbomber
      Would you happen to have the PSD for the SOTW Banner? Would appreciate it if you could link me or send it to me :)