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Feb 27, 2022 at 7:17 PM
Dec 1, 2007
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Senior Member

No u Aug 21, 2019

Insane54 was last seen:
Feb 27, 2022
    1. Transactionzero
      If I was would you believe me?
    2. Transactionzero
      With your powers combined, I'mmmmmm Captain Planet!
    3. xDarklingx
      Hey insane, in response to what you posted on my page. I'm not quite familiar with skype. Also, I am using a mac, will this still work? Other than that, I am very interested, so that would be sweet if I could be there for these 'Skype Lessons'. Thanks
    4. Furry x Furry
      Furry x Furry
      That's a shame.

      The skype academy idea sounds great though. Yeah, count me in if you decide to do it. Great thinking!
    5. Hey You
      Hey You
      Hey insane,

      Would you mind doing me a quick favor and Capitalize the send "Y" at the Beginning of "You" please?
    6. Black Theorem
      Black Theorem
      yoo, if youre still discussing replacements for the lol box, have ou looked into Comet Chat? it's the same kind as the chatbar on Facebook.
    7. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      What happened to thread ratings? Do I have to sift through every bit of garbage to find something I like?

      For Reach, will the map database replace the forum?
    8. Pegasi
      Shadow said I should check this with you before posting, could you give it a look over?
    9. Black Theorem
      Black Theorem
      [QUOTE=Insane54;1163134]It doesn't matter what they do with their Favs, it's their business, not ours.

      However, now that I go read it again, it does look like they're trying to get some decent maps, and not like they're willing to throw up the majority of the awful stuff that they're probably getting swamped with. I wouldn't be particularly opposed to getting in contact with him and seeing what we can do (and will make sure the fact we've already been on it twice is obvious), I will need 5 top maps and such, though, to go anywhere (community choice, gogogo).[/QUOTE*]

      Arizona Grind, gogogo!
    10. buddhacrane
      Oh good, I didn't find myself crashing into a wave of insanity then. Just the usual currents of crazy for me :D
    11. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      YouTube- Left4Dead 2 (Gameplay/Commentary)

      Watch and Donii will love you... More than he already does.

      And it mentions T-Squared.

    12. LIGHTSOUT225
      its all done practically save for the summaries
    13. LIGHTSOUT225
      would you mind helpin me with the game summaries for the last snf, mebe? i can't really remember that much from them tbh
    14. IDave the Rave
      IDave the Rave
      When I git oldar I r gun have son and call him InSaNe FiFtYfOrGe
    15. DarkTiest
    16. Stevo
      :o call of duty?!? you should be on halo!
    17. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      nothin yet. I gotta do a progress update by the 7th on a project i haven't even started yet and so I really need to spend a lot of time on that. I have been doing some brain storming but nothing really substantial so far
    18. Stevo
      you down for some customs?
    19. Kitten X
      Kitten X
      Alright, I've gotta go. kbye
    20. IDave the Rave
      IDave the Rave
      I haven't measured it yet, but it's a lot longer, and she's actually satisfied now.
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