Shock Theta
Last Activity:
Jan 17, 2019 at 6:54 AM
Dec 3, 2007
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London, UK

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Shock Theta

Father of 4chub, from London, UK

Forge Critic Senior Member
Shock Theta was last seen:
Jan 17, 2019
    1. Matty
      Yea sending it off. Pissed cause I'll lose all my
      music and college work. It better get replace because it's pretty battered
    2. Matty
      dude, laptops broken. Any advice?

      I turned it off last night installing an update.

      Got in today and noticed it was stuck on the Dell logo page loading for aaages, and pressed enter a few times and it finally changed to these numbers that were increasing. I panicked and turned it off. Now when i turn it on, i get only a quiet hum, no loading, the screen stays black. I managed to get the vista disc in but now it won't eject and it won't even load that. WTFFFFFF
    3. Black Theorem
      Black Theorem
      You wanna edit out the debates section? Also maybe add in Forging 201 in the second post?
    4. Dewski
      Is the tournament over...? or does it end at midnight today?
    5. Kilenum
    6. QKT
      dude i'd like to help support the FH light X skin.
      could you link me the images for the scheme?
    7. Orange
      Post count I find as a representation of how dedicating you are to the site; and color shows it more in an alternative way. Post count is alot more valuable to us who have it as our only way to show our dedication opposed to you guys where it's practicly worthless. If it is so worthless to you then why would you mind it being lowered for you guys?
    8. Orange
      I feel it as somewhat of an advantage to the staff to allow them a forum that may have easier posting standards and an easier way to get posts. Additionally i envision it would be better for the person to be highlighted for the top post count to be a community member to show the most contributing member that gives by posts; as you guys also give to the community in other ways such as creating contests and giving prizes. My idea is that the person with #1 post count should be said to be someone who gives by posts mostly.
    9. Orange
      You guys should seriously consider removing post count from staff forum and journolist discussion; it is a little unfair that staff has access to a private forum which increases post count.
    10. Black Theorem
      Black Theorem
      May i call to your attention this thread? Just in case you didn't see it. Could be beneficial.
    11. xMLGx InStINcTx
      xMLGx InStINcTx
      ohh yeah and my gt is T7 Astro not xMLGx InStINcTx
    12. xMLGx InStINcTx
      xMLGx InStINcTx
      do u have mw2?
    13. xMLGx InStINcTx
      xMLGx InStINcTx
      rawr i can lols u up!
    14. xMLGx InStINcTx
      xMLGx InStINcTx
      Hellu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gueeesssseee whhhoooo iiitttt iiissss!!!!!
    15. chrstphrbrnnn
      Get Perfect Dark :)
    16. Orange
      If you weren't aware, the CLOSED button hasn't been redone to fit the new site buttons.
    17. RightSideTheory
    18. QKT
      i say cap
    19. QKT
      sock taters, i cant delete my own created social groups, nor can i make anymore.

      can i get a fix?
    20. Pegasi
      Lol, alot of people I've spoken to of late seem to be lacking in sleep, this isn't good :P. But anyway, new site is lookin sexy, good stuff dude.
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  • About

    London, UK
    Shock Theta
    Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody is perhaps the most famous Auror of modern times, single-handedly responsible for capturing numerous wizard criminals. He is also said never to have killed his quarry - even when permitted to do so - unless he had no other choice. Moody's face is badly scarred and he has lost several body parts, including his left eye, right lower leg and part of his nose whilst fighting Dark wizards.