Dec 2, 2007
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In Loving Memory, from Los Angeles

Senior Member
    1. Pegasi
      Stefan has really gone off it too, which didn't encourage me to give it a serious go. The only friend I have to still likes it is Adam, but he is, much as I love him, an utter stat ***** at shooters in general, so campy campy MW2 style is heaven to him. Eventual disillusionment, that's the vibe I'm getting recently from others.

      Yeah, I can't see MLG sticking with Halo 3. They've yet to miss out on updating titles for their games, even though it largely killed the GoW crowd with 2. Even if they didn't pick up Reach, staying with 3 would be an odd choice. Much as it's one I'd agree with, I'd assume most would pick 2 if the most recent game was out, thus any were fair game. Still, Reach will hit the circuit, and it does indeed look fun. I hope Bungie have been kind in doing all this new stuff but not constraining with lack of various 'on/off' options for it all where applicable, but tbh I trust them in this sense.
    2. Pegasi
      Same, they can have my money, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna wait for the blasted thing when I know it's ready. Glad I didn't as well.

      So I read, but aren't you a little wary of counting yours eggs at this point? That beta vid is sexy, but who knows?
    3. Black Theorem
    4. Black Theorem
      Black Theorem
      wanna play some mw2?
    5. Pegasi
      Aaah, so your complete reluctance to meet in the middle came from nothing more than a callous, uncaring attitude? I really should have worked that out for myself.

      Btw, I'm doing the rounds: have you heard the new Gorillaz album?
    6. Pegasi
      This same attitude is something I literally can't escape when writing, or at least when trying to convey anything more than a very basic point or perspective.

      It's not a choice, imagine not being able to escape.... Now do you hate my posts so much?
    7. Pegasi
      Oh agreed. It's still hilarious. I love how your staunch rejection of essay posts goes out the window when someone rubs you up the wrong way, again not because it's unjustified, but just because it's funny :D.
    8. Pegasi
    9. Grif
    10. pinohkio
    11. Panncakez
      Lock, please.
    12. buddhacrane

      I'm always lurking ;)
    13. Orange
      Am I shoutbawkz banned
    14. Glasgow
      okay then.
    15. Glasgow
      you said one week, its been two weeks, if you changed it, you could've told me.
    16. Glasgow
      but your the one who banned me
    17. Glasgow
      hey! i remembered my shoutbox was gone!

      is it gone forever?!
    18. stickmanmeyhem
      I have never loved you more than this particular instant...
    19. LIGHTSOUT225
      youre the only other staffer on, thoughts?
    20. Killer Carebear
      Killer Carebear
      and C. put the entire thing in my signature