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Dec 28, 2014 at 8:28 PM
Jan 5, 2010
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Ancient, from Check your radar

Jrcane4455 was last seen:
Dec 28, 2014
    1. AiR StriKee
      AiR StriKee
      yes you can add me i play infection everyday my gamertag is airstrikee
    2. Doomsdale
      Maybe, I've never really co-created a map before. I've always found forging an introvert's sport.
    3. OmGtH
      Oh well,i feel sorry for you friend,hope you get it fixed.(Check your wiring,or let your xbox360 cool down.)
    4. OmGtH
      Sure,i'll add you,although i did just finish building my third treehouse on standoff,lol!=D (Treehouses are Epic.)
    5. Kidbomber
    6. Dirt Jockey
      Dirt Jockey
      Your an alright guy, thanks for the apology
    7. E inglourious 3
      E inglourious 3
      If you really want to remake it for me, then go for it! I was thinking of that myself, but im on to my next ideas. Im trying to get as many ideas out as possible before it gets too close to Reach. Just mention my name as the maker of the original idea and gameplay, and for your sake, say I wanted you to remake it. Lemme see it before you release it though OK? And I would rather you did not glitch the map, although OLN stacking is OK, just so it does not load slowly. I made this before I knew about interlocking or ghost merging, so have fun, especially with the highway. Also dont forget the goal of the map- to look like a downtown city.
    8. xWooden leafx
      xWooden leafx
      i live in cary
    9. Jellofish777
      I already added you so dont worry about it. I will most likely be on around 3:30, I probably wont have the write up done tonight though because I just got Mass Effect 2 and well im confident you can figure out the rest...
    10. Jellofish777
      I will try and start the write up on creating a Firefight map for the group, when I do I can gurantee at least 80% of your questions will be answered, the rest I can help with over Live.
    11. Jellofish777
      Lol thats exactly how it is now minus the cant see them part. The reason they are visible is to replicate phantom drop zones, but in Area 42 for example there is also a spawn (the gate) where they just come through. You could definitly make the entire thing like that but if thats the case I would suggest having it inside, with a roof and all that to make it follow the rest a little better.
    12. Jellofish777
      What did you have in mind?
    13. Jellofish777
    14. Jellofish777
      Basically if at least 10 people join the group then I will post up a "How To" for making Firefight maps, you do everything that is checked off as "Must include" and then do whatever the hell else you want. When you think its ready you invite me and I give it the aproval for being in the Custom Map Pack. The reason I need to aprove it is because anyone can make one, but the ones in the Custom Map Pack are considered official maps because they have been aproved by me. All you gotta do is join and hope more people do as well.
    15. Jellofish777
      If your interested by joining the bungie.net group you can create maps for the Halo 3 Firefight: Custom Map Pack which is made by group members, but aproved by me to make sure gameplay is right. Besides spawns and weapons you will have complete freedom to do what you want for map design and layout. As far as the next in the series for map packs, im waiting till reach comes out to tackle the Halo Reach Firefight: Heroic Map Pack so until then I wont really need any help unless you want to work on something unrelated to Firefight.
    16. just defy
      just defy
      UPDATE!!!! i found ut whats bothering you. and thats your own stupidity. seriously. who says that? lmao
    17. just defy
      just defy
      WHHHHHAAAAT DDDIIIIDDD III DDOOOOO ....and yea no ****. i am in GnA.... way to take criticism. i lierally tryed to be nice today honest to god...
    18. Garanaw
      Hello. I am free to play Halo the whole day, but it depends on when afternoon is for you ... I live in timezone GMT +1, so I wouldn't be able to play later than 1-2am GMT.
    19. ShaddoBlade
      "Just wanted to let u know this was recently on halo 3 forges. thought u might wanna know"

      This should have been sent as a VM, not posted in the map thread as it is both spam and a necro bump. Both of which are against the rules and may result in a warning or infraction. Please make sure you aren't violating the rules with your posts in the future.
    20. Devil95
      Nice Remake Dude!
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    Check your radar
    High School