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Sep 3, 1992 (Age: 32)
Gilbert, AZ

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Ancient, from Gilbert, AZ

Senior Member
Scobra was last seen:
Dec 29, 2011
    1. Pigglez
      Pretty nice. Ive never tried using Staryu/Starmie... maybe I'll give them a try. So far though, I haven't transferred over anyone from my Platinum, because I find it takes so long, and I wanted to try and get through Red without needing my good team. I actually just tried fighting Red with the team I posted, but theyre only in the early sixties and he's in the eighties. I got through Pikachu, Charizard, Snorlax and Venusaur before his Blastoise finished me off. I think thats pretty good for being 20 levels under him though lol...
    2. Pigglez
      Well Im playing as I type lol... its so addicting and awesome... and Im on my way to Cinnabar island having just beaten Brock and getting through Viridian Forest. My team is sorta basic, but I have a planned out team for when I play my HG. But for my SS, this is it right now:

      Typhlosion: lvl 56
      Alakazam: lvl 57
      Heracross: lvl 52
      Ampharos: lvl 58
      Victreebell: lvl 47
      Snorlax: lvl 50

      but my planned out team for HG is gonna be... Meganium, Ampharos, Houndoom, Donphan, Poliwrath and either Heracross or Granbull. Whats your team so far?
    3. Pigglez
      **** yea! I got both HG and SS (because Im a ****ing boss like that) so Im finishing SS now (I have only 3 more Kanto Badges to get before I can go to Red) and then Im gonna start my HG. we should make a group for HG and SS.
    4. Pigglez
      lol is your avatar the SS/HG rival? Epic.
    5. Noxiw
      Where be is do'er xboks?
    6. Noxiw
      SO I was thinking,

      For our maps, I'll do a write up for both, and send you the one for ThusIRefuteThee, you can then copy the code, and then we'll meet in a XBL party, both get on Forgehub at the same time, so I when I make the OP you can then reply to it with the code from what I send you. Maybe tomorrow? Or later tonight if you're online for that matter.

      Yes? No? PICK ONE BLAARG.
    7. FreshLegend
      when is this map pack coming out????????
      i come on forgehub for the first time in months, all happy remembering about it, and its not released?!?!?!? come onn yo
    8. Noxiw
      I kind of already told Metawaddledee, and he already claimed it. Hope that's okay, lol.
    9. Noxiw
      We could put it for adoption, indeed. Publicly, or see if one of our friends wants it?

      Also, that would be an video. hahaha, "Hey Kids, are you ****IN' hungry??"
    10. ShaddoBlade
    11. Dow
      Your so called meager life.
      Is plagued with riches.
      Born by the strong beliefs.
      Of your many victims.
      The task that they enthrusted.
      Within your powers.
      Yet they remain unchanged.
      Your god is non existent.
      You speak of your god.
      Does he condemn your life.
      You're nothing but a hypocrite.
      Actions speak over words.
      The many sins you've lived.
      The many lies you've told.
      Your defaming existence.
      Hidden by a power tie.
      Where's your god.
      Who do you answer to.
      How do you live with yourself.
      Where's your conscience.
      Where's your conscience.
      Do you think.
      This is just.
      Such an excess of assets.
      While they hope to eat.
      Your golden spoon.
      Their hand to mouth.
      After your final days.
      Where will you go.
      Your sins direct you.
      Not your words.
      Your god is nothing.
      Your god is non existant.
      He's nothing.

    12. Noxiw
      Wouldn't hurt, I mean, if we were to have a completely awful game I could use that as a backup. Whats the plan for Dez Moines? Release? Abandon? Edit still? What?
    13. Noxiw
      I need to get a good game in on it, nondual hasn't been on in a while, i will as soon as I can. :) Also, I absolutely love your new avatar.
    14. Noxiw
      Sounds good dude, what'd you use? FruityLoops or (list other sound editing programs here)? Sounds good. :)
    15. ShaddoBlade
      Very nice. Great shirt, too. lol =p
    16. ShaddoBlade
    17. R0FLninja

      Nice, tho i didn't catch any part of the song that sounded like an MP5K, it was really good.

      Nice job brooo
    18. ShaddoBlade
      That was pretty sweet. What do you mean by screams? Like actual vocals with lyrics or just random screams? I think it could be pretty cool with vocals. Kinda like Sky Eats Airplane.
    19. AceOfSpades
      Are you a member of Atlas?
    20. AceOfSpades
      You haz skype?
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  • About

    Sep 3, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Gilbert, AZ
    Bearshark Prime


