hey you had some really good insight on my map. I tried to fix some of the problems you mentioned nd was woundering if you could check it out when u get the chance nd let me kno if the fixes I made help with this. thanx
For sucks, come join me in learning UDK. I think if all us "good" forgers join together and work on a group project with UDK, something good might happen... Or not. We do argue a lot. :P But anyhow, I've invested my obsessive compulsive dedication to this new hobby for the upcoming months. This could be the death of me....
Yo Bean Callum told me to tell you that you need to hop off his nuts. Callum says you be eating that stanky oatmeal and he don't want any of that. Cut it out before I knock yo teef in.
Yeah, but game flow circumvents around all map designs, even 1v1s'. You seem to have a good knowledge of game flow.
I could really use your insight on future projects of mine. Could I send you a FR over XBL to get your opinion and or thoughts on my new works?
its not linkin park at all its a band called threat signal XD and they only have 1 album that i know of but there beast
Just so you know responding to a necro bump is also considered spam because it only contributes to the necro posting. Next time just report it on move on.
You need some sort of weight and substance to your posts. If you tell each Mini-Game thread a quick sentence on how you want the map that's spam. Your posts should consist of what you liked about the map, what flaws they might want to improve, and what they could do to improve them. Bulk up your posts.
So say I said "hey, it'd be cool if you made a tower so you can shoot over the map" to every single competitive map. In your eyes is that spam?
"yea this is better off made on foundry, so you can still see them. but i wouldnt mind being able to shoot them at the sides too, or at the ceiling, but its all still creative" The previous post has violated the forum rules. 1. No spamming.
yea i know...but i just thought about times where ppl guarantee so many things about their map and its just about the opposite. But i dont think i said too much to cause ppl not to download it, but for some maybe
I don't wanna post this in your map thread since it isn't directly related to your map, but if you're looking for people to download your map I think its probably wiser not to list the flaws right in the OP. Think of it like an advertisement, you won't find Ford listing all the things that suck about their cars in the ad, now will you?