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Jan 11, 2017 at 1:16 AM
Dec 13, 2009
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Ancient, from And the Berkshires seemed dreamlike on account of

Senior Member
Panncakez was last seen:
Jan 11, 2017
    1. Grif
      No I cannot lock threads anymore, however as Lord Duke the Baron I can declare threads locked.
    2. Miraj
    3. Miraj
      Well there are others working on the signature shop too, but it seems as if they have a busy schedule like me too. Thanks for being thoughtful.
    4. Miraj
      Request it in my signature shop.
      I am working on finishing the requests...
    5. Conkerkid11
      Actually, I think I'd might as well set up something in the Testers Guild. Keep a look out for the testing times in there maybe.
    6. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      I think perhaps... I fail. Lol. Thanks man.
    7. Bomb Champion
      Bomb Champion
      Make it pretty.
    8. Bomb Champion
    9. Bomb Champion
      Bomb Champion
      Create a shell box for each of these codes
      Month: date +%B
      Day (#): date +%d
      Day (Of week): date +%A
      Time: date +"%I:%M"
      AM/PM: date +"%p"

      And type each of those into their own shell box, set to refresh every 1 second, and then you can customize the font color and size all you want. And since each element has it's own box, you can place where ever you want.
    10. SargeantSarcasm

      Some questions are never meant to be answered.
    11. Mace
      Ah, you're post in the weather thread sounded like you could go to my school. haha
    12. Mace
      Holy ****, where do you live?
    13. Conkerkid11
      Killing Grounds Will Be Released By The 20th! Can't Wait 'Till Then? Send Me A Friend Request, Or Message and I'll Be Sure To Invite You To A Testing Session Before Then!
    14. Epic Tusk
      Epic Tusk
      It was suppose to "Pretty trippy ****" not "Pretty ****" :p I liked it, don't get me wrong. Also it wouldn't of been spam as long as you posted a video.
    15. Insane54
      Probably not. But, we'll see.
    16. PwnCakes
      you stole my name :|
    17. Conkerkid11
      Thanks for posting on Killing Grounds again! Sense I can't see your actual post in the thread, and only from your "See other posts by this user" thing, I only cought the part about Killing Grounds being too long.

      On average a match lasts two minutes, because the team will fail. But it takes about five minutes to reach the final destination. Thanks for the comment again! Let's hope that Forge Hub gets well soon! xD
    18. Grif
      Ok my screen died on me recently. It wasn't a stuck pixel, there was a vertical line maybe 1 inch horizontally that was completely black. Apple fixed it for free because I was in warranty. I do not know for sure if they will do it for you, but you can take it into the Apple store and ask them. Maybe they will, maybe for a price, maybe not. But you might is well try, if it turns out it costs too much then you don't have to do it, but you will never know if you don't try. You may also be able to contact them on the phone or via email and ask what your options are.

      Just go ask Apple.
    19. Conkerkid11
      The Killing Grounds preview thread has been updated recently! Check it out please! Kthxbai!
    20. Grif
      If you are still in warranty, take it to Apple store and they will fix for free. If your not they will tell you how much they will charge for it and you can decide to do it or not.
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    And the Berkshires seemed dreamlike on account of



    ^Many thanks to RightSideTheory and The Effected!