Rorak Kuroda
Last Activity:
Apr 15, 2017 at 1:02 PM
Sep 6, 2009
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May 17, 1995 (Age: 29)
New Mexico

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Rorak Kuroda

Up All Night, from New Mexico

Forge Critic Senior Member
Rorak Kuroda was last seen:
Apr 15, 2017
    1. Phenomenal
      Haha I would send you some but...
      And I glanced over the thread a few times, I may just go look it over for real now.
    2. Phenomenal
      Haha nice. I got a snow day today so I'll probably just be lurking around here and on xbox doing something all day. We got so much snow, I can't even leave my house, haha.
    3. Phenomenal
      Hmmmm, I'm bored. So did you go on last night because I actually fell asleep while playing customs and probably got yelled at. I woke up with the controller in my hand ironically. I wouldn't be surprised if I forged a map in my sleep, haha. Well I'm pretty sure I'm having a snow day tomorrow so I'll be forging all night after I watch LOST so go on if you'd like. Well time to lurk around FH. kthxbai.
    4. Phenomenal
      It's really smooth in the mid-level of sandbox so it crosses the dunes sometimes and it is really fun. Will you be on late tonight again?
    5. Phenomenal
      AHHHHH, wait you aren't a dinosaur me and nick and other people just played Ace's new race track and it equals awesome.
    6. Phenomenal
      I are so real. Getting on soon I presume???
    7. Phenomenal
      Ok remember that I am two hours ahead of you so finish your homework asap and then I could show you my 2v2 map so far too.
    8. Phenomenal
      Alright, we can discuss it tonight whenever you can go on. I'm definitely going to try to not fall asleep after gorging myself with pounds of food tonight haha.
    9. Orange
      need a reason in your SOTW vote
    10. Phenomenal
      Haha I'll be at a SUPER BOWL PARTY (which I don't really want to go to) but may be on late as you said from like 10PM-2:30 or so AM. So, stay on aight. (If I'm not online I probably got captured by ninjas, thrown into a volcano, and am now burning alive in terrible misery, or I fell asleep. (1st option is more likely.)
    11. Phenomenal
      I see you are still lurking around FH and XF, so I guess that your school situation isn't as serious as you made it to be, lol.
    12. ShaddoBlade
    13. Phenomenal
      Haha alright. I'll make it as pretty as possible it is going to be enclosed and everything! Get excited nao...
    14. Phenomenal
      Haha I just told my mom I had a headache.
      As for the map it will be like half symmetrical with two equal sides facing eachother but two different vertical sides if you know what I( mean. And yes it is in the skybubble. Haven't done too much yet but I have the design down so I'll probably be like halfway done by tonight.
    15. Phenomenal
      Haha I faked being sick so I could work on my 2v2 map. :/

      I'll show it to you later if you want. Are you gonna participate in TGIF today?
    16. Phenomenal
      Are you at school or at home right now?
    17. ..::Brotherston!x
      yes i be teh randomer u chatted to in the lolbox
    18. ..::Brotherston!x
    19. suffocation49
    20. CaptnSTFU
      Thanks for the feedback man, but me an Rifte went over it pretty thoroughly, all i remember is that you must be continually capturing a territory which you do. Their is 7 territories that are all touching, the side areas, seeing as how you cannot contest the territory their completely abide by the rules. Their just little side areas that can be used to camp but when in them you never contest the territory (idk i may ask gunner but i think something along that line is allowed)
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  • About

    May 17, 1995 (Age: 29)
    New Mexico
    Rorak Kuroda
    Hello wayward profile browsers, my name is Matthew. I have been a denizen of these forums for quite some time. Over the internet and Xbox Live, I can come across as brash and outspoken, however, if you were to meet me in the flesh, I'd likely be just the opposite; quiet and polite. My personality, from an introspective point of view, encompasses all of those aspects, though some traits overshadow others. I'm always open to new experiences and meeting new people.

    Hacky Sack, Pencil Drawing, Halo, Women, Philosophy, Architecture, Ponies, Music, and so much more.


    Parallex - Cerity - Pyrite - The Clubhouse