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Nov 27, 2016 at 8:39 PM
Jan 15, 2008
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Jan 1, 1900 (Age: 125)

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PsychoBucket was last seen:
Nov 27, 2016
    1. Paranoia UK
      Paranoia UK
      Hey man, ive just read your guide on creating ghost merge canvases and have a question if i may, can you tell me how to do the no respawn and no place at start glitch you mentioned please. I have a weird thing when it comes to forge as i always have to use my own canvas for some reason. thanks mate
    2. buddhacrane
      Well I managed to drag myself away from ME2 long enough to take a quick look at your canvas map and it does indeed appear as though you're able to spawn over half of an object and still have the original appear at the beginning of Forge.

      I didn't take the time to fully stress test this but, at first glance, I would have to say there must be some other unknown factor that produced a difference in our results.

      Oddly enough the canvas map I was working on was also OLN and Budget glitched so it can't be those that are producing the difference. I didn't block off the guardian towers but I don't see how that could cause a discrepancy in results.
    3. buddhacrane
      Interesting. I shall download your canvas map and do some testing of my own; I'll let you know what conclusions I reach.

      That's if I can drag myself away from Mass Effect 2 :P
    4. Belly391
      i just wanted to know how you dummied and merged the object in the first video on your canvas so fast
    5. buddhacrane
      I believe it was mainly the standard scenery objects: walls, blocks, e.t.c.

      I tested it on both Foundry (during Forger's Cell) and Sandbox (Built my own Ghost Merge Canvas but then deleted it after I remembered the glitch and noticed it still did it)

      Perhaps there is some other stipulation that is also required to trigger it, like maybe a certain number of overall objects have to be placed on the map first?
    6. buddhacrane
      I never tested it extensively with all objects but, as far as I can recall, any object I spawned more than half of always lost its never/no object.
    7. buddhacrane
      Oh well, I must be psychic...or is that psycho...hmm...
    8. buddhacrane
      Just letting you know I can't read your PM due to the problems with the server.
    9. pyro
      Much easier ways of getting out of a map?
      I can do that alone in less than ten seconds.
      If you have an easier way please explain.
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  • About

    Jan 1, 1900 (Age: 125)


    Ghost merge faster with the Ghost Merge Canvas!
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