thurman merman
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14y 30w ago
Jun 29, 2008
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thurman merman


Senior Member
thurman merman was last seen:
Aug 10, 2010
    1. Kitten X
      Kitten X
      You just have to be trolling. No one can be as retarded as you've portrayed yourself to be.
    2. Dthen
      You sound like you know exactly what you're talking about.
    3. Dthen
      Yes, he is.
    4. Dthen
      We are invite only because primarily we are a group of friends who play together a lot and we sort of made the clan by accident.

      We don't have any rules because we don't need them, we only let our close friends join so basically we're just a big group of friends. There are 17 of us in total.
    5. Dthen
      One of the people in The Purple Cubes was in UEG, but he left.
      We are invite only because primarily we are a group of friends who play together a lot and we sort of made the clan by accident.
    6. Dthen
      It is a clan. We are The Purple Cubes, sadly, we are invite only and it is very difficult to join.
    7. Dthen
      Probably me, but it could be your friend.
      If you check my file share and compare the dates of the maps to those of your friend's, then you should be able to find an answer. : Halo 3 File Share
    8. Randle Scandal
      Randle Scandal
      Well, will that right arm grow pretty strong over the years? I would think so, get a life, and leave us alone. That is all! Have a nice ban!

      EDIT: Unless you are left handed, then it would be the left arm. I'm sorry for the misconception.
    9. Pigglez
      Rofl your pic made my day. Someone needs to lay off all those chocolate bars! Ask mommy for advice, I'm sure she'll have some. Does she know you're on a website all by yourself? Tsk tsk tsk. :/

      Welcome to FH! See you round... oh wait, nevermind. See ya chubby! XD
    10. Zowabashi
      Your about to get banned. Personally, if I owned this site, I would have banned you and let your ISP know what you've done already!
    11. BASED GOD
      High five Nemi o/
    12. Nemihara
      In before ban! lol
    13. BASED GOD
      You have no life lololololololol. Trollololololol.
    14. thurman merman