Call of duty wiki. Just click on the MW2 section at the homepage, then go to MW2 weapons, then find the gun you want. Here: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Weapons - The Call of Duty Wiki - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty 4, Call of Duty 2, characters, and more
I knownthat much, and thought about it, but this image is not 3D, and the way you were doing it was in no way realistic. And I was just bout to change my page. Yours is pretty sweet, just an FYI
If you just indirectly stated that I am like you, joining that group, then: 1. I was invited to that group. 2. I never expressed my opinions to the extreme.
I'm not angry about the usage, I use it in jest in real life all the time, especially when talking to my homosexual friends lol. Here however, it's discriminatory and all usage is forbidden. And that's fine, you just didn't spell my name right. SargeantSarcasm not sergeantsarcasm
It appears idiocy and discrimination are two factors that define you, not necessarily strong suits, but definitely strong in terms of prevalence. Now, I'm going to warn you once, and just in case you don't know the meaning of that word, it means "one time." If I ever see you discriminate against another user like you just did, specifically using homophobic banter (or really just being a **** about entertainment preference) you'll be banned quicker than you were kicked out of special ed.
Dude, I like what I like. You like what you like. Done with that issue. Avatar? You mean the letter 'R' one? Or do you mean my sig? Also, putting all argument aside, are you really 11? :P