dark sil4nce
Last Activity:
Apr 5, 2010 at 10:42 PM
May 2, 2009
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dark sil4nce


Senior Member
dark sil4nce was last seen:
Apr 5, 2010
    1. Ozarka
      Any progress on the mapzorz?
    2. dark sil4nce
      dark sil4nce
      wow thank you so much i would have over looked all of that and if you want to help that would be great and you are welcome to make any changes and do anything you want to the map
    3. Ozarka
      One more thing. Each base only has one entrance to the ground floor (like a dead end), which is a bad idea. It would be great to create some side entrances to the first floor which would create flow.

      If you are confused by anything or need some more help, just let me know and I will be glad to help. I actually made a version with the cnahges I talked about above. If you want to check that out I'd be glad to show you. I really want to help you out on this map because what you have looks really promising, and I want it to turn out even better :D. So again, if you need help with anything: budget glitch, merges, spawns, object placement, just let me know
    4. Ozarka
      Alright the map's on my fileshare. Here's a few things I think you should keep in mind.

      First, try to be aware of the budget glitch and not de-glitch any objects. You might decide you need an object and then find out that it's been de-glitched and have to start the whole map over. If you need to freshen up on how to keep from de-glitching objectscheck here.

      Also, currently there are stairs going down on each side of the side base. After blocking the map off, i found that there's some empty space behind the stairs that is somewhat blocked off. If you replaced the stairs with a double wall, it would open the space up and create some flow back there.

      And, what is point of having the barrier where it is? I don't see any use for it except taking up extra space. I suggest you take it out
    5. dark sil4nce
      dark sil4nce
      the only thing i can really think of that i need is like 2 or 3 double boxes and a few walls
    6. Ozarka
      NO! You tell me!! :P haha, seriously man you have to know what items you want for the map...
    7. dark sil4nce
      dark sil4nce
      anything you think will work better for you, i can work around what you use
    8. Ozarka
      ok, so i've got almost everything blocked off with fence boxes b/c i figured you probably wouldnt use those. theres just a little bit more on each side but im out of fence boxes. So this part is really up to you: think of which item you will use the least. I really don't care, I can finish it with any item it makes no difference. This part is really up to you. I don't wanna hinder your map by using objects you might need later. Double open boxes, double walls, whatever just think about it and let me know :D
    9. Ozarka
      Hey man, check your map preview thread
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