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Feb 4, 2009
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Ancient, from Snowflake, AZ

Senior Member
Gunnergrunt was last seen:
Jul 28, 2013
    1. Conkerkid11
      So do you think you can have something like that finished by the 20th? Or should I start making one now? Today's the day I'm working on the thread's images...
    2. Conkerkid11
      Hello Gunnergrunt! This is a message from me to you asking if you'll make me a banner for a map in progress. Now I know you've never made a banner for anything but yours and Ellement's maps, and that TGIF banner, but I'd really appreciate it if you could.

      If you say yes, I'll give you more details, but if you say no I'll go off and try to make my own for another five hours. I don't care how you answer... And I'll understand if you've got more important things to do.
    3. l33tmeerkatslol
      We're like, both purple, but on different sites!
    4. RedNeck
      That's what I was thinking, if one could work with developing the door switch without disrupting Conquest's flow completely I think it'd be a pretty interesting twist.
    5. RedNeck
      Do you think a conquest map that utilizes door switches to move between territories would be a manageable idea?
    6. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay

      But seriously, I saw a post of yours and saw it was 666. Had to comment.
    7. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Do not post again. Ever...

      (look at your post count :P)
    8. Miraj
      Cool the conquest video is finally done!
    9. Asset 4 Life
      Asset 4 Life
      Haha wish me luck ive tried 3 times on drawing the lay out but have not picked the right one :( .. but once i get a start on it ill be sure to send you a game message with it .. if i create it it will be forsure my first ForgeHub Map Post!! (Excited Face) lol
    10. luckiesnipes
      Sounds great. Now the map pack won't be posted for another week or 2 depending on how fast I finish the next 2 maps. I will be posting a preview tomorrow and keeping te other 2 maps secret until testing. However if you would be willing to make this for me I'd show you the other 2 so you could kind of combine them like in te asset picture which by the way is awesome and te reason I asked. And if I see
      you online ill invite you. If you didn't know my gt is mr iPod touch. Thanks!
    11. luckiesnipes
      Hey what are the chances that you could do one of those digital Halo drawongs of yours for my upcoming Bonus Round 2? If you'd like I'll show you my progress as far as BR2 tommorow. Thanks
    12. Asset 4 Life
      Asset 4 Life
      Hey .. i dunno if you still play halo much but i have a great forge idea .. involving Asset .. i wanna make a big Ark coming out of the sand on sandbox .. its going to look like a big sand storm hit and buried half of it , but i also want it to be very big and high above the ground! Msg me back if intrested :)
    13. ShaddoBlade
      Playing mw2 is against my religion.
    14. ShaddoBlade
      How can we get some games going when you are ONLY PLAYING MW2!?
    15. ShaddoBlade
      That TGIF banner is amazing. I look awesome, if I don't say so myself. =p On another note, Ell3ment, as well as plenty other of my friend's have become mw2 whores. You should get a new xbox, right now! Go go go. I'm so ronery.
    16. Ell3ment
      Yeah, the UMP does recoil but I'm good enough to tap the right trigger so i don't have bad recoil while headshotting people at a range with it. Me and alibrando only did the first three spec ops lists at like two and three stars but we're workin on it.
      I made a pretty good riot shield class:
      Riot Shield
      Any secondary - I use machine pistols for a little range
      Blast shield - I guess this is optional but it makes you a great at busting into the holdouts.
      Smoke grenade
      Scavenger - Or marathon but I figured regen smoke grenades would be nice
      ninja - I think commando is better if it affects the range of the bash

      It's only fun on certain levels with close quarters room fighting but It's great to smoke out an area and burst in like the juggernaut. Then scavenge all there bodies and smoke out the rest of the area and continue.
    17. Ell3ment
      Nah my favorite combo is the UMP45 and the Thumper, combine that with flash grenades and symtex and top it off with scavenger(gives me grenades and thumper ammo like crazy) and It's all GOOD.
    18. Gunnergrunt
    19. Insane54
      I can see all of those. Try logging in and out, clearing your cache, or restarting your computer.
    20. Insane54
      Not really. Give me some links and I'll's probably just some server issues, we've been doing some upgrades lately as far as I understand.
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