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Aug 20, 2010 at 12:48 AM
Dec 10, 2009
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Xx5tAcHgunxX was last seen:
Aug 20, 2010
    1. jshaf23

      First take screenshots on halo3. When you've got a good amount, go on to bungie.net and find them. Save them all to your computer. When you have them all saved, go to ImageShack® - Online Media Hosting where it says upload, go to browse and find the saved pictures. When that's done, copy the url of a picture where it says Direct Link. In the textbox for posting the map press the picture symbol (with a mountain in it) and paste the url. Do this for the rest of ur pictures.

      And write at the bottom of your map post saying that this is your first post so people tell you how to fix any problems you might have rather than immediately reporting you.

      Good Luck
    2. jshaf23
      ok its not actually that difficult to physically post a map, but there's alot of rules you have to abide by and posting pictures is kinda difficult.

      Posting map:
      go to forums, then halo3 maps, then casual maps, then at the top left click Post New Thread. Type your map description in the text box.

      Map Link:
      in order for the map to be posted you have to make a link to the map on bungie.net. Make sure the map and game type are in your file share then find the map in your file share on bungie.net then copy the url. in the text box for the map posting, there should be a symbol with the Earth on it. click that and paste the url. make one for the map's gametype too.
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