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Jan 12, 2011 at 11:06 PM
Oct 23, 2009
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ultsf was last seen:
Jan 12, 2011
    1. cory21
      Gephyrophobia (Level) - Halopedia, the Halo Wiki - Halo 2, Halo 3, ODST, and more
      Was this the level you were trying to remake with Dust and Echoes? Bungie already made a map like this in Halo CE custom edition. I would use this as inspiration though, since your map is already very similar to this.
    2. cory21
      "Actually, you were one of the people. It was a massive blow to me all those comments, but looking at it again, I can see a lot to improve on."

      What? I didn't say anything offensive. I mean, your map wasn't really the greatest, and many of the players agreed with me (not trying to sound rude). Instead of just saying "it sucked" and then leaving like most of the testers did, I sat there and for more than 25 minutes gave you advise on how to improve your map. Even if you spent a lot of time on that map, its not that hard to tell there isn't much free player movement and the spawns weren't the best. I don't see why you would say any rude comments about me, even though you did apologize later. I'm sorry if my tips for your map offended you.
    3. Ozarka
      thanks for the feedback! :D i will work with the weapons and see what I can come up with soon
    4. ultsf
      I'm ok in forge. I'm not an expert, but I can hold my own.
    5. Dobam
      Hey men are good in forge ?
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