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Oct 1, 2018 at 8:01 AM
Jul 28, 2009
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Ancient, from Jersey

Senior Member
Phenomenal was last seen:
Oct 1, 2018
    1. Rorak Kuroda
    2. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
      I just realized how many friends and social groups you have... o_O
    3. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
      Hmm... how late do you think you'll be up? Because my homework will take about another hour, and by then it will be midnight where you live. But I'll keep working, and you keep forging. And then I'll show you my ideas. By the way, we should try and start thinking of names.
    4. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
      I went to a superbowl party as well, but people were so noisy I barely got a chance to hear the Who. I also ate my height in food. :) I'm gonna start working on my homework hard so that I can get on late tonight, and then I'll start explaining.
    5. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
      Hmmm... So you brought your laptop into the volcano with you? Haha, anyways, I have several ideas and drawings of the co-forge. Send me any ideas you have as well.
    6. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
      It was just that situation. I'll still be online... of course, that'll be around 1 AM when my parents aren't around. I might be online during the super bowl, too.
    7. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
      Don't forget to make it pretty!

      I think I'm going to finish Archatraz this weekend. Probably not tonight with the TGIF, but definantly this weekend. I just need to get AZN FTW to help me with the spawns and whatnot. I wonder how many people still don't realize that he's back in action...
    8. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
      Ya, I'll be in the TGIF. Probably Goosin's or Insane's, since they're both on my friends lists.

      I'd love to see the 2v2 map! Is it going to be symmetrical? Is it going to be in the sky-bubble? Gah, so many questions. You're lucky, you can fake being sick. My parents have to see me throw up before I get to stay home. :/
    9. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
      I'm at school. :) I won't be on here for long, but I'll be on here again at 1. I love being a student aid.
    10. Ratman
      Ha, gunnergrunts comment
    11. Devil95
      No Problem
    12. Devil95
      Halo:Ghost's Campaign is what your testing because the Halo:Ghost Co-op mode is just Infection and is only part of campaign. The Entire Campaign is Halo:Ghost "Down-Under" Sorry for the Confusion. You will be playing 2 Modes: Infection and VIP.

      The one that was posted and the one that is still in delevopement.
    13. Gunnergrunt
      Tell Nick that my xbox is dead. I won't be online for a while. Then, make a sad face for me...
    14. II6clique jxIxj
      II6clique jxIxj
      hopefully soon, my xbox live expired 2 days before the last test and so I used my brothers account, nobody recognized his user name bc they were looking for mine therefore noone helped me test. So Im probably going to just wait until I renew my xbox live to do it, which I'll probably do within the next month. If you ever want to forge a map together, let me know, we could start by making a sketch up, Idk how to get the program though
    15. II6clique jxIxj
      II6clique jxIxj
      no one showed up, but if you want to some time, I could do a walk through of it with you
    16. Loscocco
      the video in your sig was just...amazing...
    17. MSG
      im sry i didnt notic that ypu spelled it wrong
    18. Kidbomber
    19. Ozarka
      check mah map preview thread
    20. Ozarka
      haha, i have no clue yet :P Im gonna wait till I get enough people that are willing to test before I set a date. Then i'll figure everything out
      I'll keep ya updated though :)
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