Dec 2, 2007
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Los Angeles
Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf

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In Loving Memory, from Los Angeles

Senior Member
    1. ScarFac3d
      Do anything fun or productive in the past few weeks?
    2. ScarFac3d
      Hey beautiful.
    3. G043R
      What is "trolling"?
      Trolling is any post designed to evoke an emotional or flaming response instead of an informed, well-reasoned reply. These posts are characterized by broad generalizations and personal accusations about specific people or groups of people rather than a well-reasoned assertion backed up with support. Just a few examples of trolling include:

      - "All level 50s suck"
      - "Kids under 13 have squeaky voices and are all annoying"
      - "MLG players are arrogant"
      - "Halo 3 is the worst game ever created"

      Parody or satire threads are a form of trolling.

      "Do not feed the trolls" means do not respond to trolling, and is also strictly enforced.

      Seems like your ****ing cussing has shown that the troll is not me...
    4. G043R
      Further more this is what Flame is...
      What counts as "flaming"?
      The act of "flaming" is the act of attacking or insulting a person who posts, rather than the ideas expressed within the post itself. Your post should remain on-topic and focused on the subject matter of the thread rather than any individual user
    5. G043R
      Additionally you killed conversation on that thread... hope your happy.
    6. G043R
      ... so we are not allowed to commented on the pictures in the OP just look at them and go on our way? What site policy... you failed in explain that, as well where my post did not follow that Policy. Spam is off topic are conversation that breaks down the feed back of the OP or other means to disrupt conversation. I have giving it more material to build a point of view from as well the read to take and think about for later. Thoughts that feed your eyes as well your further eyes.... Are you ****ing serious was not infraction/warned for spam but is clearly allowed, my post that was in detailed both you have the right to do what ever you ****ing want as well showing what you may want to do both now and the future.
    7. G043R
      ... people take the idea of suggestions as demanding improvement, you both shown that cussing is above using words to convey an point and that your will be done. I think the reason why my posts are deleted is because you disagree with my point of view and clearly can't stand me having mine so you deleted dot out or line out my posts. I clearly made my point I would love you to come out and make yours. I was not attacking any one I feel your mistaken in reading some one as quoted as attacking them, I'm guiding the conversation towards what it is always been about... the OP. Thou in this OP is a lengthened document entailing a group of conversation as well images. I feel we were talking about those imagine/ the regulations of this site. No where was a objective in demanding that this should be taken down but gave a in-depth Neutral view of the subject and then made small points of my own.
    8. G043R
      So, you would rather remove my opinion in the hubpub as well ignore my conversation with you in PM? If you like we can move this to PM but FH has made it to the point I'm only have to be comment in private and to select member of color. Why can't we have my thoughts out in the open? I commented on what was commented in the general cource of the conversation of the thread.
    9. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      I ****ing love you, you ****ing swearing **** and your ****ing epic... ****.

    10. RightSideTheory
      Sawge dun wuv us.

      Sad RST is Sad.
    11. RightSideTheory
      ... Would you like to join a skype conversation between a few forgehub members, including but not limited to, myself, norlinsky, Jimbo, and Agamer?
    12. RightSideTheory
    13. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      I believe it's people having sex.
    14. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Avatar allowed?
      Forge Hub - View Profile: Scobra
    15. Cryptokid
      Stupid image shack lol. What ev's I'm off to bed, have fun lurking :P
    16. Orange
    17. Cryptokid
      K. I'm so confused as to how my sig was rotated 90 degrees lol
    18. Cryptokid
      Lol. Still haven't gotten to play with u on live even though I added u. U available tomorrow?
    19. Cryptokid
      That was like a mad fast reply lol
    20. Cryptokid
      I don't know why, but my sig was turned sideways which I'm pretty sure puts it over size limits. I'll try and have it fixed in the morning, but I can't tonight. Just letting at least one mod know, so I dnt get a warn if you see one of my posts or something.
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    Los Angeles
    Euthanizer of Idiots, Social Comedian, Modern Warf
    Watching tons of movies, writing, listening to R&B/Motown/Classic Rock


    The Lulz List​

    12:01 am PacMonster1: Thought this was going to be one of those never ending conversations where you act all haughty and ****