The Bloody Beetroots
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Oct 6, 2010 at 8:52 PM
Aug 23, 2009
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Depressed white guy.

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The Bloody Beetroots

Ancient, from Arizona

Senior Member
The Bloody Beetroots was last seen:
Oct 6, 2010
    1. Devil95
      Okay, I got the 5 Maps Done with Videos. I'll Send them to you. Im gonna be releasing the DLC Pack on Friday. (If thats not a good time, Message me)
    2. Devil95
      Doesn't really need to be, but yeah that sums it up.
    3. Devil95
      I'll send you the link to the Zombie Horde Set. I don't got all the vids yet. Im stilling working on 2 and there are about 3 of them that dont have vids. I haven't came up with a deadline. So yeah, I tell you when were done!
    4. Devil95
      Thanks, I need 4 More Videos to Render so you dont have to worry about it just yet. Again Thanks!
    5. Devil95
      hey, I heard you make map videos. Can you help me? I got 5 Maps. I putting them into a map pack. Doesnt have to be special. Last time my friend just added music overtop of my vids. I dont know if thats easy. Just saying. Dont have too. I got tons of Render Points!
    6. Pegasi
      It had to be put down. Rabies.
    7. SargeantSarcasm
      Just read it, you have a major problem, though it can be rectified easily.

      Essentially, nothing is going on in your script, at all. You have friends meeting, the introduction of an event that happens (which is a bit anticlimactic as nothing other than the "nonhuman" is introduced). You end the episode at a cliffhanger, but for cliffhangers to be effective, things need to happen that build up to it. It just seems like oh hey, it's getting hot, the meteor's coming, hits, end.

      You can either build up the story, or you need to make whatever other episode a part of the first one, because that's about 2-4 minutes of material that goes nowhere, there's really no incentive to watch the next episode despite the cliffhanger because nothing has happened.
    8. SargeantSarcasm
      I just got home.
    9. Twilight GN0ME
      Twilight GN0ME
      Hey Sarge, I'm going through the map video collections currently and just looking for the creme de la creme of videos out of the collection. I am unfortunately out this evening cough girlfriend -_- cough cough so I'll get them sent as soon as possible.

    10. Twilight GN0ME
      Twilight GN0ME
      Nice one. You played the maps before? I'll have to sort out a session if not. What I have is 10 plus videos, but some contain older footage: the maps have been tested over a year so footage has varied. Some are noticably different while others are discreet with alterations. Also, if you need the Virus Strain 57 Logo, just let me know and I'll get you a copy of it.

    11. Twilight GN0ME
      Twilight GN0ME
      Excellent. I just need to select videos to use. Is it just a gameplay montage or reviewing the map? You got a link to a video you made? I have plenty of footage for you to use (e.g. 10 videos of full games). Are you wanting clips of full videos to chop down and assemble?

    12. Twilight GN0ME
      Twilight GN0ME
      Hey Sarge, any chance you produce a video for the infection map of your choice from the VS57 series depending on which one you enjoy most.


    13. CaptnSTFU
      Um max is probably 12 but we will play with about 6-8
    14. CaptnSTFU
      Thanks Mate, yeah i'll get them too ya. It'l be middle of nxt week maybe idk i'll message you of course when i have it all.
    15. xItZ JENKiNSx
      xItZ JENKiNSx
      ZOMFG! Monday is my birthday!
    16. SargeantSarcasm
      I literally cannot read any of your PMs because of site issues, what were you trying to say, if necessary PM me on xF (since it is about the upcoming SNF) if it needs to remain absolutely private. otherwise, VM me.
    17. Ratman
      i love the new site yo
    18. R0FLninja
      Not a good way to gain rep, brew.

      you probably lost a shitload when you posted that MCdonalds thread.
    19. R0FLninja
      Dewd, in customs lobby, you cant view the OT or community section when logged in.

      Might wanna fix that.
    20. Mace
      ? stealth, what the **** you doing
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    Home Page:
    Depressed white guy.
    I'm a depressed asshole who hates everyone but a few people, and those people I call my family. You may see me as an ass, but it's me venting depression anger and sadness so just deal with it.

    Writing, listening to music, experimenting, loving.


    So I heard your all Windows/Mac users.
    Well Macs can get viruses and Windows distrubs me.
    I run GNU/Linux.
    Kernel: 2.6.32-21-generic
    Distrobution: Xubuntu

    Maybe changing to Fedora13 soon.