Last Activity:
Feb 27, 2022 at 7:17 PM
Dec 1, 2007
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Senior Member

No u Aug 21, 2019

Insane54 was last seen:
Feb 27, 2022
    1. Agamer
      Did you make it?
    2. Agamer
      I like the new sig.

    3. Shock Theta
    4. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      Oh yeah... just saved the films. Well I'm at home with the parents which is in a sleepy English village, couple of mates that still live here only have PS3's...
    5. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      If only haloscreenshots were working.
    6. Shock Theta
    7. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      I can't get the pictures.
    8. Transhuman Plus
      Transhuman Plus
      Is the "God" thread going to be opened after a certain amount of time, or is it closed indefinitely?
    9. Transactionzero
      I can't ice skate for the life of me. It may just be the rental skates are to small for my feet and they cause me to be unbalanced.
    10. Transactionzero
      Insane54 invites---you to his party. Oh what fun will be in stoooooooore. Insane54 has invited you-----to jooooooin his party once more. Ooooooooooh Insane54 will choose a playlist after he has asked his friends what they want to play. Oh how Insane54 chooses a playlist that no one said of before. :)
    11. Shanon
      YouTube- Black Eyed Peas - Meet Me Halfway (official video)
    12. Nemihara
      You locked that God 'Debate' thread? I love you.
    13. iRaynne
      YouTube- Ukulele Boy Is a Hit on the Web..
    14. AceOfSpades
      Redneck said he can make it tonight
    15. GD27 BlueDevil
      GD27 BlueDevil
      I can make Forge Academy today. So 8:00?
      You said you only had 2 people so you didnt read my post lol
    16. Kidbomber
      Hey look kids its a wild Insane54.. Careful kids its really rare and the only one in the world. You know its rare because of the Mastercheif logo on him and the Yellow name.
    17. Fritzster

      You've convinced me. My blog is updated!

      Best regards

      League of Extraordinary Geese
      - Fritzster
    18. Null Parameter
      Null Parameter
      Again, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, and I'm glad that you are working with us on this whole issue.

      I hope that this little... encounter doesn't scar your view of either me or XForgery as a whole. Just a misunderstanding and miscommunication, they happen from time to time.
    19. Null Parameter
      Null Parameter
      –adverb in truth; really; indeed.

      Why should my actions dictate anything about XForgery as a whole, especially when I'm no longer even staff there? I've approached Shock about issues such as this in the past, and we've been able to work them all out. The only reason that I even approached Shock at all is because as you are an admin, there's not much anything that my usual, moderator contacts could do.

      I saw a wrong that should be righted. As I already said, I apologize for jumping to conclusions based on the evidence given to me. I went and tracked down the conversation (through 30 pages of shoutbox archives) and am glad that you at least did say something to them, "I daresay this discussion doesn't belong here", but personally more could have been done.

      Continued below, because of small VM limit.
    20. Null Parameter
      Null Parameter
      I don't know how much you have been involved in the many conversations and such that the two staffs have been through to try and keep/make peace, because I don't believe that I have ever really talked with you before. But trust me when I say that I would never do anything to jeopardize what we've worked for, I was merely attempting to make sure that the peace was kept up by the staff on your end, and based on what I saw, it wasn't.
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    I'm member #21.


