Asset 4 Life
Last Activity:
Nov 19, 2010 at 6:58 PM
Dec 13, 2009
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Mar 10, 1991 (Age: 34)
Canada :):):)
My job is being GunnerGrunt and Ell3ments biggest

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Asset 4 Life

Ancient, from Canada :):):)

Asset 4 Life was last seen:
Nov 19, 2010
    1. Asset 4 Life
      Asset 4 Life
      Hahaha Months Later And Im Still Not Banned.. haha mark your words hey? fagget
    2. Asset 4 Life
      Asset 4 Life
      Crippled: yes puberty
      Trans: I DONT GIVE A ****.
    3. Transactionzero
      The last two infractions you were given, you got off extremely lightly. Keep up with the profanity, being rude, spamming and mark my words you will find yourself easily banned.
    4. Crippled Hobo
      Crippled Hobo
      Are you just a douche or have you finally hit puberty or something?
    5. Asset 4 Life
      Asset 4 Life
      Spam Spam Spam ... Yeah post on other Profile.. whitch is SO G.A.Y !
    6. pyro
      Do not spam.
      Read the forum rules.
      When you reply to posts on your profile, do so by posting on the other person's profile which sends an automatic notification.
    7. Asset 4 Life
      Asset 4 Life
      No way! did anyone hear that .. My First Fann!!!!! <3
    8. RaspyPeak
      I'm your BIGGEST fan!
    9. Asset 4 Life
      Asset 4 Life
      Thank you , Thank you .. far to kind.. your maps are good too , i actually need some one to forge with .. anyone intrestead?
      the map is called
      Exiliona Slayer
      2 Flag as well
    10. RaspyPeak
      Hey man, I really enjoy playing on your maps. Your probably one of the best forgers ever!
    11. Gunnergrunt
      Hey it sounds like a good idea! I've been a bit busy lately but I'd like to drop in and check it out from time to time. Good luck!
    12. R0FLninja

      Gameplay video of upcoming asset map, thought you'd be interested.
    13. Gunnergrunt
      Okay i could help you out a bit I think
    14. Gunnergrunt
      What kind of help did you have in mind?
    15. iTz Fuzzywig
      iTz Fuzzywig
      A super cool map- ull see b4 christmass
    16. Gunnergrunt
      I checked out the map yesterday and it looks great! The structure is well built and the design is pretty cool as well. What else do you plan on adding to the map? The only concern I have at the moment is the Hornet location. Its always a bummer when the Hornet gets blown up when it spawns. I would suggest giving it more cover or moving it to a safer location. And you might want to add a slanted block at the top of your lift-mancannon so people will shoot out onto the platform instead of falling back inside. Other than that, it looks great so far!
    17. iTz Fuzzywig
      iTz Fuzzywig
      Im about done wit a map on avalanche then idk
    18. iTz Fuzzywig
      iTz Fuzzywig
      thnx dude_ I try
    19. Juggernaut
      Yes, you may.
    20. Asset 4 Life
      Asset 4 Life
      hahaha ok well ill hed over to juggernaut's profile and ask , its all right ! :)
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  • About

    Mar 10, 1991 (Age: 34)
    Canada :):):)
    My job is being GunnerGrunt and Ell3ments biggest
    Asset = Domination
    Intrested on Learning new ways to forge such as : Ghost merging , interlocking and merging !

    love to hear ideas and what you think ... hopefully have my first post soon :) ps. its an Asset Map :) my very first ! !

    Would like to get some people together to create some asset maps in dedication of Rifte Gifle creation :) if its all right? , i dont wanna be stealing your gametype and Ideas :)

    Forgeing creations never thought or even heard of before ! , and most definetly Asset maps .


    MSG if you like this clan name plz.. i cant find a good one.