Asset 4 Life
Last Activity:
Nov 19, 2010 at 6:58 PM
Dec 13, 2009
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Mar 10, 1991 (Age: 34)
Canada :):):)
My job is being GunnerGrunt and Ell3ments biggest

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Asset 4 Life

Ancient, from Canada :):):)

Asset 4 Life was last seen:
Nov 19, 2010
    1. Juggernaut
      Using other sigs isn't against the rules, but using them without permission is frowned upon greatly. You'll get used to it, sorry about the harsh welcome.
    2. Asset 4 Life
      Asset 4 Life
      its all right .. im new to Forge Hub so i just gotta get used to things i guess lol , so maybe useing other sigs is against the rules lol , maybe i should check those over..
    3. Mace
      Sry bro, didn't noe
    4. Asset 4 Life
      Asset 4 Life
      ill take it off , im sorry i thought it was just cool : ( , and this is no proxy...
    5. Juggernaut
      *****, take off my sig. I mean for ****s sake, you made it even worse quality, you're terrible at life, go die.
    6. Mace
      And may I inquire as to why you are using Juggernaut signature? And may I also inquire as to why you made this proxy account?
    7. Asset 4 Life
    8. Asset 4 Life
      Asset 4 Life
      AHHAHAHA i dont blame him for not being obsesses , even though i havent played it yet :P i am just obsessesd on peoples creations and there styles of how the gameplay will make it turn out .. i love how they ghost merge into the sand hills great idea :)
    9. Meltyourtv
      Joe is my friend, and he got banned, then made proxies. And was kind of obsessed with Asset, so I thought he made another proxy.
    10. Asset 4 Life
      Asset 4 Life
      no .. lol but ive heard of him.. What makes you think this?
    11. Meltyourtv
      Is your gamertag Joe is Outside? I'm just wondering...
    12. Asset 4 Life
      Asset 4 Life
      hey everyone! i am new to forge hub. i am gunna need some tips and stuff on how to post and message :
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  • About

    Mar 10, 1991 (Age: 34)
    Canada :):):)
    My job is being GunnerGrunt and Ell3ments biggest
    Asset = Domination
    Intrested on Learning new ways to forge such as : Ghost merging , interlocking and merging !

    love to hear ideas and what you think ... hopefully have my first post soon :) ps. its an Asset Map :) my very first ! !

    Would like to get some people together to create some asset maps in dedication of Rifte Gifle creation :) if its all right? , i dont wanna be stealing your gametype and Ideas :)

    Forgeing creations never thought or even heard of before ! , and most definetly Asset maps .


    MSG if you like this clan name plz.. i cant find a good one.